Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

This is really important. It’s also why the pressure has to be kept on. Having all the cops work double shifts and putting the NG into the field costs fortunes, as does having a pandemic. Something will have to give, and it’ll be police vs everyone else, both budget wise and on the streets.

It’s June 1st, rent’s due. How are they going to do evictions when they got all the cops on riot patrol? What shit happens now if they even try?


And that’s a bad thing?

I find the shocked reaction to people saying “defund and eliminate the majority of policing” to be tiresome. If so many ppl already never call / always run from police then that service already doesn’t exist for some of us.



We had a “lets talk about the impact of whats been happening in our city” meeting on Zoom today and after a half hour of listening I realized not one person mentioned Floyd, just “looters riots looters riots” over and over. Wonderful.

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Bill Barr and about 100 extra cops have shown up at the Lafayette Park protest.



Birmingham has curfew at 7pm now.

Bill Barr behind the police line looking at the protestors, as streams of extra troops take positions. I have a bad feeling about tonight.


My city is handling this pretty badly, first announcing a city wide 8pm curfew last night at 7 fucking oclock, then announcing another 8pm curfew tonight, and now they’ve sent another alert saying it’s 7pm.

All this because someone posted about a gathering tonight on facebook.

Cops are scurred man.

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The arbitrary, irrational and overwhelming force across the country makes sense if you view the cops as a national gang that got embarrassed when one of their hangouts got torched.


The number of people posting “All Lives Matter! I’m done with you! Should have stuck to music.” on the band pages that are announcing blackout tomorrow in solidarity gives me hope I will have less dipshits to deal with at shows after COVID.


Police just advanced on protestors in DC out of nowhere, they’re now standing about 6 inches from protestors’ faces. This is intentional provocation.



back to everyone’s favorite progressive mayor bill de blasio

this might need some context though–the cops arrested his daughter and doxxed her on saturday night

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Is this a great country or what?


Baden is the real deal. I know people here probably don’t like him because of the work he did for the defense team on the Zimmerman case, but he’s very good. If he says the other pathologist missed signs of asphyxiation I believe it.

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Seriously things are going to be bad in DC tonight. CNN talking about how they’re bringing in additional 800 national guardsmen, on top of the 1200 already scheduled to be there. Police already pushing around peaceful protestors.

They’re worried she’s the black Lyanna Mormont.