Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Jmakin and I hate each other so there’s no bias here:


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Obviously they aren’t using their V.A.T.S. system correctly.


Awwww, damn.

Thoughts and prayers

Just for the record, the link I posted wasn’t a generic donation to ActBlue. It’s basically a passthrough to donate directly to the following organizations:

Given that there’s so much overlap between this list and what you and the great oreo posted, I’m just going to donate a lump sum here and have it evenly distributed to each of the groups.


Ah awesome thanks, I should have clicked through. I will also go through that–cheers.

Police snipers. Description of the location seems roughly accurate. Should note that police snipers are normally used for surveillance.

I just got a video from my sister in Philadelphia, shot from her window, that shows a ton of people on a freeway (I think it’s 676) and what seem like flash bang grenades going off.


I wonder what story he comes up with trying to get insurance payout for the car (if he has that even).

Braveheart meeting of the minds

I want it to be Braveheart, but I’m scared we’d get Saving Private Ryan.

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“I just went for a walk and when I got back my car was like that” has an approximately 100% success rate.

Perhaps good advice for all times. Kidding. Love me some Philly cheesesteaks.

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I watched that on abc feed. A bunch of hippie looking people in their 20s got zip tied and were waiting for paddy wagon when it quit.

Looks like they have the freeway blocked off and are mass arresting people and hauling them off in busses.

I think we’ll see what it looks like to abolish the police (at least some of them) when cities and states have to try to balance their budgets.

Jesus , really ? U that messed up in the head bra? Possibly they were ordered to turn them off? If u fire everyone, who s left to police? I know your emotional, but think bra.

Work conversation has been awkward today. The day literally started with my Captain, who I adore, laughingly asking me if I’d seen the video of the people standing on their own porch get blasted with paint rounds by a bunch of hotdog cops marching down their quiet street.

Idk man, not good




Official ME confirmed the Floyd homicide finding.

Yeah. He’s trying wayyyy too hard


Just imagine what the COVID response could have been if we actually put money towards public health