Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Ya but then the cops wouldn’t get to use all their military gear they’ve stockpiled.


Because that’s the easiest way to move the vehicle.

there’s a reason for it that isn’t a desire for deceptive optics, or there isn’t

Yeah they’re kind of not that useful unless it’s a separate, and serious, offence to be working without it functioning.



click through, there’s a whole thread


They’ve been saying that every night about a random city. It’s not true.

I saw the MN presser yesterday or day before when the National Guard dude explained why he requested live ammo. Also, someone got shot in Louisville with live ammo.



Let’s see if they take away his pension with the firing because the chief was scheduled to retire on July 1st. If they don’t do anything like that then yea the “firing” is bullshit


Every cop that had their camera off needs to be fired.

Or we can skip to the end and abolish the police.


Every cop that had their camera off needs to be named. Let the people decide what to do with them.

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Or let’s fire them first, and then the people can decide if they get rehired.

That’s not the decision I had in mind.


Does the idea of not being able to access weaponized tools of oppression make you uncomfortable?

It would probably make a lot of people nervous to feel the same disenfranchisement and inability to access police services that many minority communities put up with on the daily.

SUV in philadelphia ran into the crowd :cry: don’t think anyone’s hurt.



(In solidarity)

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No, it doesn’t. And i dont really see how your post follows from anything I’ve said here.

They explicitly refer to it as police brutality, note the linkage between that and coronavirus, acknowledge that it’s a problem that they currently have no black staff members, and aren’t putting out new content for a week out of solidarity.


I’ve seen Kenji get heated on instagram when people have given him shit about his political views.

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