Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

If a cop pinches himself putting on his gas-mask, or trips while marching around… another couple injured cops. Cop stresses out, asks off the riot line… another (mental) cop injury.

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A friend of mine (a woman) was assaulted for real and arrested for assaulting an officer because in an argument with a meter reader the thing happened where the reader said “I dare you to touch me” and she poked the reader with one finger.

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Sounds like a lot of Orange County, CA.

Anecdotally, in CA you can get a no-contact aggravated assault on a LEO by jawboning them into a sad.

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Have had a fb conversation with my brother for the last day. Don’t think he’s a trumpeter but he voted Johnson in 16. Mostly apolitical. He said this in one exchange

“do you know what want down prior? How did it come to have a guy on his neck. If he can’t breathe how is he talking? Just questions.”

I told him to just stop at this point because he is embarrassing himself

We could ask him but unfortunately he got choked to death.


I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about


Kinda how you can talk a little bit underwater. Not for long though.

Realistic answer is that cutting off blood flow to the brain is more effective than cutting off airflow to the lungs, and I’d guess it was a combination of the two that happened here.

When you said RenoPD was halfway decent people gave you flak, so I said maybe you’re grading on a curve comparing them to CPD.

Not sure if srs but LBC= long beach CA no?

massive unrest, fires, looting, entire urban areas shutdown, ongoing pandemic?

Market is green


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Well, that or Long Beach Crips.


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Kind of tells us nothing is likely to come out of this. Actual meaningful structural reform would be very damaging to STONKS.

Also Obama is doing Obama things trying to convince us that voting (presumably for establishment Dems since he has done everything in his power to prop up this wing of the party at the expense of the progressive wing) is somehow going to change anything regarding this issue. It would be nice if this is right but newsflash Obama, we elected you and it changed nothing on this front.



Second, I’ve heard some suggest that the recurrent problem of racial bias in our criminal justice system proves that only protests and direct action can bring about change, and that voting and participation in electoral politics is a waste of time. I couldn’t disagree more.

Really tough to be more out of touch than this. In a functioning democracy he has a point. We would have candidates who weren’t bought and paid for corporate stooges who were motivated to actually implement change that would positively affect society at the local, state and federal level. Activism could translate to electing politicians and ultimately law. Unfortunately Obama still hasn’t figured out that isn’t the system we live in.

I think RPD handled the demonstration Saturday about as well as they could - tear gas, no rubber bullets (or other projectiles), and from what I could tell just tried to let things dwindle away over 11p or so. The Reno Reddit, which is about as liberal as a source as I’m going to accept, seemed to agree - and the fact that Sunday stayed essentially quiet (with a curfew) also seemed to be acceptable. So yeah, I’m good with it.


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like this:

Really tough to be more out of touch than this. (Also how do you get the block quote feature to work?




Got it. Thanks!

What an embarrassment of an ass-clown. This odious fool is acclaimed to be the best & brightest of his generation at his so-called job. He didn’t do shit to change anything for the better. He extinguished hope amoung those so deluded.

He’s the walking and squawking poster boy of how he is 180 wrong… his abject fails, as the best they’ve had to offer, prove indeed that only direct action gets the goods.

Follow the cat !!!1!