Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

‘not our fight’ good god


black conservative trump supporters duh obv


You know how many friends of mine used to rock that, or still say they love Sublime but are bootlickers now? Not making any point really other than all my friends from high school turned racist it seems. I posted that video the other day specifically to taunt them.

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And it shifts to whatever agenda.

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Five minutes alone with a black conservative trump supporter and people would be pulling that maga lever.

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I consider them a guilty pleasure. I actually really like them, but they felt a lot cooler when I was 16 than they do when I’m 32.

The people who subdued Hammer Guy were white!

This is getting confusing!!

They wrote that one song the dead covered a bunch.

Self titled album is a classic imo, Santeria, what I got, April 29 1992, etc

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The call didn’t go great. Protestors = Looters. Had his guns ready. Feels bad or the cops. It’s 10:30 and I already need a beer.


From a marine who went in full dress to a protest in MO

The flag, to me, represents the ideal of America. The country where we all have a voice and can live free to pursue our hopes and dreams. That hasn’t always been true (and in many cases today, still isn’t).

The flag, in the past, has represented oppression, disenfranchisement, slavery, and many other reprehensible things… It has also stood for fighting oppression, slavery, and other reprehensible things.

Currently, we are in a time of turmoil in so many aspects of our country. Our flag is still a shining symbol of hope to many oppressed peoples around the world… It’s also still a symbol of oppression to many of the people in our country, those people who are marginalized, and left voiceless. Those who feel like their lives are worth less than their fellow country(wo)men.

This is not our country being “great”… One could argue that our country has done some great things, but has never truly been great in every way, or to every person or groups of people.


In what the hell kind of work environment could this ever possibly happen? Dear god.

Happens all the time in my experience. Especially in smaller informal groups, but sometimes even in smallish team meetings depending on how formal things are. It’s usually at the beginning of a meeting while waiting for all the attendees to show, or the end if things wrap up early. Once things get up to dept and company wide then of course this type of stuff is never mentioned.

My current company policy is loosely something like, “We understand that people are going to talk about politics regardless of what our policy says. But if you can’t keep it respectful or if somebody asks to stop, please be considerate and stop.”

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lol 0% chance of 25 cops and 60 secret service agents getting injured without there being dozens (or hundreds) of dead protestors

Injury here could mean a welt or scrape. People get charged with aggravated assault/assaulting a LEO/etc. all the time based on minor injuries sustained during arrests.


You know that shit I gave you about hating midwestern cities? This is where you are 100% correct. It’s suburbanites that have their own “pristine” way of live outside of the dastardly city. Nothing but republicans who are scared of black people and the liberal downtown. Even though their suburb wouldn’t be shit if they didn’t leech off the city tax free.

Hit the nail on the head here.

Sublime will always be known for 2 things in my book, well besides some cool songs of course… (1) messing up the date in their own damn song. (2) never coming clean with what they meant by “LBC”.

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They also count injuries occurred while assaulting protesters. So if a cop hits you with his baton enough that he tweaks his beating shoulder that’s an injured cop.

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