Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

That’s great - people all flustered - domestic terrorism.

It’s only science and that’s all nonsense anyways so who cares.

The issue is that “calling the cops on lawlessness” presupposes that (1) the cops are fair and professional; and (2) the justice system is fair and impartial.

If either of those conditions are not met, then calling the police for non-felony offenses (and plenty of felonies) is probably not justified. If neither of them are met, and the degree to which that is true is high for either/both then it’s more an act of terror than justice.


Black polo shirt is a suburban Mayor/Dem primary Congressional candidate. There was a rock throwing/gas incident to prevent protesters from entering a highway. The other thing the mayor did was close his border with Chicago.

Zero tolerance for property destruction, plenty of tolerance for brutalizations and murder of your fellow citizens. Says it all.


My impression was that they weren’t very common and I ate way too much fucking dessert when I was there. Apparently that’s not the case.

@clovis I saw the post before deletion and you’re not wrong, even though I know that tweeter isn’t meaning to go the shaming route

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Of course. I can’t believe it’s even necessary to have this chat here.

It’s real simple: if there’s a life-or-limb situation, us civilians need protect their own, then run away. The cops may, or may not, then do their job. That’s it.

Also, playing citizen cop when the cops are on riot patrol is about one of the most personally dangerous and irresponsible things you can do out there.

It’s escalatory by definition, so that’s on the collaborators heads. Besides that, cops on riot patrol aren’t there to investigate or make arrests for crimes. See: 24hr looting highlights on tv right now. They are there to occupy space and project force. In particular, cops aren’t breaking a riot line to take in prisoners from these vigilantes. They might just beat & arrest anyone who approaches them however.




South Side of Chicago




What a scorching-hot take.

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The video is a year old but yeah common occurrence around this country either way

Edit: also he might not even be a fed but that only makes it better lol




My daughter was watching and asking what happened leading up to that, then you posted this and she said “thanks snoreo”.


Hard to hate on Justin Amash these days TBH.

I’ll take the 2 of you dumb motherfuckers right now, has made my day… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


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Guys if hilary was president, police brutality would never happen!


The phrase No quarter was generally used during military conflict to imply combatants would not be taken prisoner, but killed.