Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I also notice he’s rather light-skinned. He’s either got a 3 percenters tattoo or he really really likes Monster Energy. But he’s such a dumbass, it’s truly impossible to tell. He’s got a prior for shooting up heroin with his kids in the car in a WalMart parking lot.

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My guess is he’s just a fuck up who hates the system and took the chance to go get his riot on. He was dumb enough to set the fire while shirtless with a bunch of tattoos, which I assume are already in the database from his prior arrest, while a photographer was nearby pointing a camera at him.

So, you know, not exactly Tennessee’s best or brightest.

There’s a reason they fought so hard to make it legal to run over protesters with a vehicle.

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Remember this name. She’s currently a Nebraska state legislator, but I have a feeling she’s going to move up in the future. Also, she’s the guest next week in the book club I’m co-leading.



I wouldn’t be shocked if it turned up most of these “outside agitators” are cops or racist militias.


He burned down a courthouse, he’s okay with me. And I hate that taking pictures and videos is the norm.

I think there’s going to be some major fracturing here caused by the most militant members of the protest. I don’t think they’re white supremacists although it’s possible. But I think it’s wrong for white allies to join a protest that is specifically about racial issues and try to ramp the protests up to a level that the general populace isn’t comfortable. White people should be manning the front lines to protect their friends as best as possible but should be taking cues on how to proceed, not actively slinking off to burn things. When the protests get violent, it’s the people of color who are most vulnerable then.

That being said, protests that aren’t at least threatening violence generally don’t get anywhere. Make no mistake, if you are massing in the streets, you are announcing to the state and all of the people who value social order that you will fuck their shit up if need be. But if these threats are empty and the state knows this, it will let you run around and put on a little show and then go home and then life will go on as it always has (police will be able to inflict harm upon black bodies with impunity, in this case). The state responds in force when is is threatened, and generally you can judge how much of a threat the protesters are to the social order by the strength of the state’s response. As awful as it is, there’s logical consistency to letting a bunch of idiots with guns takeover the Michigan statehouse but beating the living snot out of an unarmed multiracial group of people in the streets protesting police brutality.

Eh, I got tangential there, but the main point I want to make is that just the act of massing a big group of people is threatening violence, there’s no hiding this. The state knows it even if a lot of the protesters want to pretend like it’s not true. That doesn’t justify ANY of the police reactions, but I think it does help to understand their response.


I respect saying something at least remotely right, but this is also letting them off the hook. They already tried to scapegoat the murderer as if this isn’t happening on a day-to-day basis, only sometimes the black guy doesn’t die and no one gives a fuck.

“Certain conditions continue to exist in our society, which must be condemned as vigorously as we condemn riots. But in the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it that America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the Negro poor has worsened over the last few years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice, equality and humanity. And so in a real sense our nation’s summers of riots are caused by our nation’s winters of delay. And as long as America postpones justice, we stand in the position of having these recurrences of violence and riots over and over again. Social justice and progress are the absolute guarantors of riot prevention”


Those cops took one step and realized they were never going to catch that dude.


@anon38180840 I saw an update on the lady in La Mesa who got shot in the head with a rubber bullet. She is awake from her coma and recovering. No word about her eyesight. From this:




I might be wrong but I think MDAL is Becky, but Karen doesn’t really have an equivalent here.
Or maybe it’s Karen also? It’s certainly some 20th century name.

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A photographer friend of mine who somehow always manages to wind up in the middle of the action.

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I remember that we were all shuddering when some states passed this bill, and I remember people mocking me for pearl clutching about it in real life.

I get where you’re coming from here, but a big part of the point is to gain media attention to try to influence public opinion on these issues, and you can’t expect the media to blur out faces or identifying information.

I agree 100%.

Sort of, but what most protesters are happy to do if the police don’t interfere is to fuck shit up by interfering with people’s day, making life inconvenient for people who are ignorant to the cause, and messing with the economic movements in the area to cause inconvenience for the powers that be. Like I think a lot of people in these movements would be happy to do that for 10x as long, rather than get their skulls bashed in and fight back for a night or two. Obviously that varies greatly person to person.

You good? Hope you weren’t roughed up. Get the legal help you need? Good on bail? Bless you for putting yourself on the line like that!



but the real news isn’t that tweet, it’s this reply:


dude is a professor of - you cannot make this shit up - criminal justice at Weber State.


I’m most impressed by the cerebral nature of this dude’s game. He’s got next level chill, he’s cool, and he just waits for his moment… When it comes, the quick duck-under move and first step are just elite, he’s able to create space right off the line, good fluid hips, and the afterburners are next level. He just demoralizes the competition.

Grade: First Round, Likely Lottery Pick

You want this dude on your squad for the protest.


He got this shot too. Not sure yet if it was before or after the rubber bullet.


Sorry to hear about all the various injuries, but I’m glad nothing’s too severe. Really appreciate you being out there. If you’re resting up for a couple days and need any assistance with anything, let us know, if my friend in Richmond can’t help or find someone, I’m sure someone here can.


This dude has got to get shitcanned within a week, right?


People have already contacted his university (Weber State)… Hopefully he loses his job. They’re supposedly a pretty conservative school, but that’s still way over the line.

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