Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I don’t know, I’m reading his feed and it’s been like this. they have to know, right?

You guys did awesome!


my friend organized an LGBT+ protest in Hillcrest today, basically with about 2 hours notice.

Not a ton of people but not bad for 2 hours notice. Also, no giant cop presence (they were all downtown).

We have an amazing LGBT community here, with LOTS of older folks who remember Stonewall and the HIV bad times.


It’s not only that he’s Jewish of course, but that they feel able to pin conspiracy theories on Soros because of how in the 90s he brought the British Tory government to its knees by anticipating that he’d be able to cause a huge run on sterling, and make a fortune.

So, Jewish anti-capitalist.

Well there’s Mayor P…

Oh never mind.

Police arrested NYC mayor’s daughter at protest Saturday

Police arrested the New York City mayor’s 25-year-old daughter at a protest in Manhattan on Saturday night, the New York Post first reported, citing law enforcement sources.

Chiara de Blasio “was one of about 100 people who refused to leave the roadway when advised by police,” ABC7 New York reported.

She did not tell police that she was the mayor’s daughter, but she did give her home address as the address of the governor’s mansion, the Post reported.

In his political campaigns, de Blasio has spoken out about raising black children in America: he is white, and his wife, Chirlane McCray, is black.

Mayor de Blasio’s daughter, Chiara, arrested at Manhattan protest https://nypost.com/2020/05/31/mayor-de-blasios-daughter-chiara-arrested-at-manhattan-protest/ …

Mayor Bill de Blasio’s daughter, Chiara, arrested at Manhattan protest

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s daughter was arrested at a Manhattan protest on Saturday night, law enforcement sources told The Post on Sunday. Chiara de Blasio, 25, was taken into custody

At least there’s one de Blasio who gets it and has some guts.


calling lawbros

Iran unable to resist trolling



post any good mashups of police attacking protesters. Youtube would be better because you can’t really share twitter on FB where most of the people who need to see it are.


So sick of seeing ignorant white people post pictures of MLK like this so let’s be real.


I’m thinking about editing some together myself this week, if I can figure out a few particulars.


Reported that asshole. I know it’s Idaho, but I’m stunned that someone that unstable is allowed to teach young people anything anywhere.


Those plastic bumpy pads they put at cross walks for blind people are the post-it notes of FASCISM!

Haven’t seen this one ITT and this one is super infuriating. This dude delivered a really beautiful speech about wanting to understand cops and come together with them and how we’re all in this together while down on one knee and they fucking arrested him.



I can’t say much about what’s happening in the US, but I can speak on peanut butter desserts in Paris. My local patisserie here has a specialty called “Le New Yorkais” which involves peanut butter, it’s lovely.

(And generally yes, menus will say what’s in it and if you want it, it yours. Maybe if you ask nicely you’ll get a side substiution, but maybe not. If you just launch into a few specifications you’ll just get told tough shit.)


They were probably hit with tear gas and rubber bullets like everyone else in the streets of DC last night.

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The complete lack of political leadership right now is pretty stunning. It really drives home what the GOP has become that they can’t even offer token words of comfort for fear of alienating their base or waking the Cheetobear. Democrats aren’t much better.


Joe was out in Wilmington I think.


Most peacenik haka ever.

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