Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

“We’ve declared this an unlawful assembly” is quite a phrase.

I miss Portland a lot.

As long as all the rural white people can get their hair cut, though.

Because we all know how stylish the average Trump supporter’s haircut is.

Joliet was doing good at first but later in the night 4 different stores were looted a bit. And the mall.

is there anyone in the Democratic party who is at least rising up as a somewhat charismatic figure in all of this? I don’t watch a lot of network television so it might be on me, but didn’t hear much from Biden.


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Keisha Lance Bottoms? Killer Mike?

video of Dallas yesterday from my friend who lives downtown. A lot to unpack in this.


Fox News reporting 60 secret service agents injured in DC. Haven’t seen this reported elsewhere so I am sure it is anti-protester propaganda right? Doesn’t even seem possible based on the video I saw the past couple days.

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This is the only person, the mayor of Atlanta, who’s getting press in terms of being a rising star from this in any way. She gave a good speech at the press conference, but the content was basically, “Knock off all the rioting, you’re ruining everything for the cause,” and I’m not sure there was enough substance beyond that to really mean anything to people. Like there was talk about pain and rising up from this and doing better, but I’m still waiting for somebody in the Democratic Party to talk about how.

I’m also waiting for someone in the Democratic Party to actually say some of this stuff from somewhere other than a podium, a studio, or a Zoom connection from home.

Oh boy, we had some heroes up here in Trumpland today, boys! They gonna take out all those antifa thugs!

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also, just saw this:


lol figures it’s Justin fucking Amash


Last one for now:


notice he is not dead or beaten or harmed in any way.


This drives me nuts, by the way. All the media do this, not just Fox News. It’ll be, “60 Secret Service Agents injured.” “25 cops injured.”

Journalistically, they’re missing a key part of that sentence… “according to police.” “according to the Secret Service.”

Meanwhile, if the protesters make similar claims about events, it’s always “according to protester accounts,” and will often include a healthy amount of doubt.

Watching this stuff online it’s clear to me that there is plenty of lying going on by cops, and I’m willing to account for some of it going on from protesters too… Frankly, the only way to know what’s happening out there is to be there yourself or see long stretches of unedited video.

It’s amazing that they’re maintaining this method of reporting even while cops are firing rubber bullets and tear gas at journalists.


What are they going to do if Antifa shows up, overcharge them for lemonade?


I don’t understand your point. (Why lol figures?)

because it isn’t a dem.

I’m going to assume they have firearms behind that sign. Even the 3 democrats that live up here own guns (yes, myself included)

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The Democrats left a leadership vacuum for almost a week, and Justin Amash finally stepped up. I know I’ve caught some heat for this here before, but on numerous occasions I’ve said that I respect the guy even if I disagree with him on almost everything. Here’s an example. Like I truly believe that he wants what’s best for the American people, and believes his positions are best. Some of them are surely asinine, but character wise, I actually respect the guy.

Someone might be able to dig up something on him to throw at me here, and I’ll reconsider.

But so far this year the Democratic Party has been outflanked to the left by Mitt Romney on UBI and Justin Amash on criminal justice. Let that sink it.


Sorry my pony got teargassed.

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Amash is a libertarian. It makes more sense for him than for Democrats.

Sad thing is when you see all this that I get the feeling the only difference between the police in the USA, Russia, Syria, Turkey or China are the laws that try to reign them in.

are we really above playing Nazi or not?

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