Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I was going to try to squeeze in that my Jewish parents blame Soros for things as well but couldn’t fit it in succinctly so I decided to leave it out.

They go to college. They’re good kids. Good college kids.

Lol ain’t a fucking thing gonna change.

One of the buildings vandalized near the White House was the AFL-CIO HQ. Saw a report of a fire there, apparently not a big one.

One crazy small thing about the Trump presidency I realized is that red baseball caps are forever ruined to me thanks to Trump.


So today in Philly, for most of the day everything was pretty far away. I could see helicopters in the air and hear an occasional bang, but that was about it. Later in the evening, I’m guessing they got within about 5-10 blocks of me to the west based on where the helicopters were circling, and I could hear some frequent bangs coming from there - I assume tear gas or flashbangs. They were about 2 miles NNW of me, and about 1.5-2 miles NE of me. There was a lot of looting about 3 miles NE of me based on TV coverage, otherwise I wouldn’t really have known.

Tonight, there was some kind of clash/flight .5 mile south of me, and a big fire 1.5 miles NE of me, accompanied by lots of explosions of either tear gas or flashbangs, I assume. I could see the smoke rising over the city up that way, and some fire trucks going past in that direction.

Surreal feeling. In the last 24-36 hours, it’s been around me in all directions, but not too close. I’ve donated to the local bail fund, and I’m in this super weird position of rooting for the protesters, but hoping the violence doesn’t get too close to me. I’m against the looting, generally speaking, but more angry at how violent the cops are being towards the looters, and most angry at how the media is depicting them. They’ll show a dude coming out with food and detergent and be going nuts over how awful it is. Like, at least focus that shit on the guys taking flatscreens, at the VERY least. Better yet, direct even 10% of that much ire at the cops fucking people up over property crimes or the fact that 3 killer cops STILL haven’t been charged in Minneapolis.

But it’s just so weird to see all this conflict about 1.5-2 miles away in all directions, knowing it could be near me within 15 minutes but most likely will not… Knowing that I’m against the cops in this struggle, but also kind of deep down hoping they keep it away from me… But nonviolently, even though deep down I know that’s not how they will handle it. But then I’ve been thinking that if it gets near me, and the cops are out of line, I have a great angle to document that shit or better/worse, depending on your perspective.

And like I would love love love protesters to march past me. I’d be banging pots and pans and chanting with them from my terrace. Yet I don’t want the danger coming near me, even though I know I don’t deserve my safety anymore than anyone else, and most of the city doesn’t have it.

Talk about fucking conflicted thoughts.

Meanwhile, as I typed this, I was listening to a local police scanner to get an idea of exactly where things were going down. Gunshots fired by a protester/rioter/looter depending on your point of view 3.6 miles away on the street that runs right past my building. In the time I typed it, he got to within 2.6 miles on that street and there are reports of more gunshots, and now he’s looting a store 2.4 miles away.



It seems extremely unlikely to me that this was done by any left wing protesters. Unless there’s something I don’t know about the AFL-CIO in particular.


this includes a good part of the people protesting and even more of the those supporting the protests.


Apparently the libs ruined the Portland protest.

The AFL-CIO is a bunch of garbage Biden-y frauds so I wouldn’t be so sure.




OK, then that makes sense. As I was posting, I was thinking it could be a lot of unions for working class white people, in which case maybe… Originally I was thinking unions should include some black working class people.


I am retweeting stuff like this and mash-ups of the police brutality, and encourage others to do the same. I think it’s really important to counteract the media messaging of unruly mobs attacking cops.


Now 2 miles out. I’m not really worried, but it’s still just surreal to listen to these updates. Also somewhat shocked people in these neighborhoods are calling this in right now, given the makeup of those neighborhoods.



Man, fuck these assholes and their thin blue dick flags.The cops are all fucking wilding.


I don’t think I would attend a protest without carrying an object that can be used to break a car window.


They aren’t even trying. SMH.

God watching

Portland police went from, this is a lawful request, please move west

this is a lawful request please move west

(now that they did that)

This is an civil disturbance, we’ve declared this an unlawful assembly, please disperse

Man fuck the police

I can’t get over the Portland newscasters getting so concerned and apologizing anytime a “fuck tha police” from a protestor makes it on the air. What a travesty, can you believe the language. This guy heckles untucked jerseys

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