Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Just in case you’re wondering, the right wing in Israel uses Soros to discredit every type of protest.

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I still haven’t figured out why don’t they just arrest the other 3 guys?

Tony Soprano would have taken them fishing on Day 2.

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Basically freerolling. Bust some heads, “rioters got out of hand”. Get hit with a frozen water bottle “rioters got aggressive”


Yeah, let’s fight the power by dismantling public works. I’m going to start a fire in my local nature preserve. What the fuck are you defending here? Dude is an asshole, all the protesters around him knew that, why don’t you get it?

Trump retweeted this earlier:


Portland JV team of news anchors seems primarily concerned with the audible profanity during the live coverage

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You’re out of your mind on this one. There was a small group there, I spoke of them in reference to the fact that their wishes are what matters. If anything, you’re the one assuming you know more about it than they do. They handled it, I support how they handled it, you’re questioning it.

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“Forces of order” go fuck yourself CNN.

The people who dragged hammer guy to the police are snitching imho.

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Right. But my mom doesn’t dip into the crazy conspiracy sites like infowars. She watches FoxNews maybe listens to Rush (I think she stopped listening to Rush but not sure) - which I realize are still parroting some conspiracies - I’m just not sure which ones or how to counter it.

It’s pretty simple. Don’t go out there and make the fight worse than they want to make it. It’s not your place. Your place is to support and be an ally.

If this was a generic anti-Trump protest. Totally different story.


Yeah I’m aware I’m not being very principled about my feelings in the hypothetical turning in of a maga shit head who was about to attack protestors compared to random guy who I saw using a hammer to hit the ground for 20 seconds. Let alone when we are protesting the police and the president is using extremely dangerous rhetoric against anyone that is “antifa”. Like with cuses random estimates you have a 66% chance of nothing happening to the guy if turned in (white supremacist/cop) and a 33% chance of turning in an anarchist who’s protesting you don’t agree with, what do you think cops will charge him with in that situation? You think they’ll ask the people who turned him in what his punishment will be and treat him fairly?



EDIT: Seemed pretty easy, shitty construction?

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[quote=“suzzer99, post:3078, topic:1904, full:true”]
It’s pretty simple. Don’t go out there and make the fight worse than they want to make it. It’s not your place. Your place is to support and be an ally.[/quote]

Yeah, sometimes it’s not all about us white people and how we feel. We need to be better about reading the room and shit.

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lol in your hypothetical percentages you’re okay with handing someone over to the police that has a 33% chance of being considered a terrorist by the president of the United States and all because he wasn’t protesting to the liking of the people around him. You were literally posting how the system is so fucked and it should be torn down and now you want to hand over people into this system for bad protesting? I can’t be okay with handing someone over to the police just because they are being a dumbass

I’m Probably a little emotional about this because I know someone who was arrested at protests today and we still haven’t gotten an answer of where they are being held, so yeah right now I definitely think it would be foolish to hand someone over to the police on some bullshit assumptions. But ill stop cluttering this thread and am going to get some rest



Don’t know about the one in the video specifically, but many of the statues are indeed cheap, mass- produced, crap built by Northern manufacturers to grift racists in the 1910’s and 20’s.


There’s a freeway car chase in LA so they’re showing that live and dumped the protests off the air. Things are back to normal.

Running on foot now… done,
ETA: that was a passenger. The driver is still out running around with the helicopter following him., and done too.