Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

There are videos of cops just detaining people walking down the street while doing nothing during these protests and you guys think it’s good being buddy buddy with the cops and taking a timeout from protesting them lol


Someone on Twitter took care of that.



We have the exact everything most people want.


So I have a cousin who’s in the tank for QAnon. IIRC, he founded that political advocacy/lobby mentioned above. But he also has been spotted at the annual Bilderberg conference (which I think is true) and somehow Alex Jones seized on this years ago (like early days Fox News, maybe even prior to Bush the Younger) and began to accuse Soros of using his PAC to bring about the “New World Order”. I can only remember the broad strokes, it gets pretty insane pretty fast. I’ll probably need someone’s help with more details. Sorry for the rambling response.

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Obviously he’s going to end up being the right wing poster boy for the Antifa Boogeyman…

I think it’s mostly because he’s Jewish.

No I wouldn’t, he was attacking protestors, his intentions were clear. People are here are just assuming the guy with the hammer was trying to sabotage the protest (and maybe he was) but I’m not going to go hand someone to the police on an assumption. Having contact with police as a protester during these protests is a dangerous thing as evidenced by this entire thread

Minneapolis city councilman and son of Keith.



It’s wild to me that Crow T Robot has consistently been one of the hardest motherfuckers out there throughout the Trump era. Dude is a white Midwestern Boomer, but all of his fucks are on backorder. Defund them all, man. A budget is a moral declaration.




I feel like if your idea of property crime during a riot is to take a a little hammer out and knock out individual bricks out of the pavement then you should go to jail just for being lame.


I guess if your problem is that you’re not sure about what hammer dude did or did not do, that is a different objection than what it seemed like you’re making.

Random white dude starts instigating and vandalizing against the wishes of the black protesters, he can get fucked. 33% chance we’re just giving them back one of their own, 33% chance it’s a white supremacist, 33% chance it’s a random anarchist.

100% chance I give no fucks.

I mean, based on how the cops handled it, maybe the people there knew it was safe.

If you watch the video, the cops were just standing there watching. In some cities, there was dialogue at the beginning and the cops marched or took a knee with the protesters, then just stood around the perimeter. If that’s what happened here, everything would make sense.

In 90-95% of these places the cops are fucking nuts, in 5-10% they’ve done a decent job. I think I’ve seen at least 4 examples of them doing a good job.




Umm no, you asked would I feel bad for him. I answered no. My position is do not give people to the same police you are out here protesting. I’m not going to go arrest right wing guy and hand him over same with sketchy guy in black. Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t do anything about either of them but I sure as hell am not using the same police to do shit for me when I’m out here protesting them

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That doesn’t make any sense. If you think that handing him over to the police is wrong, then you should feel bad for him that he was wronged.

lol I love how people on this forum speak of black people as a monolith and know what they have chosen


Yes, George Soros is a wealthy Jewish man who donates money to left wing causes, that’s it. Because people who don’t like one of those things tend to not like the other, he’s basically been turned into a nefarious supervillain who is responsible for every left-wing group’s action with the goal of enacting [enter anti-Semitic trope here]. I don’t think his activism is nearly as far-reaching, insidious, or coordinated as the Koch’s campaign to turn the US into a libertarian wasteland.




Unless the hammer guy was about to start throwing the bricks at people, then I don’t see how the situation is at all similar to bow guy.

Yeah the Walgreen’s a few blocks from me (45th and Ashland) got looted.