Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Unfortunately that’s not really information I can use with my mom. Great username though.

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And then what - he circles back and sets fires?

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lol they didn’t turn over crossbow dude to the police because they are protesting the police, they beat his ass and that was settled

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In reality, he’s an extremely wealthy hedge fund manager who is also a holocaust survivor. In all seriousness, I’ve never been able to find a credible link to any of the other “theories”.

I know they didn’t. I was asking that if they hypothetically did turn him over to the police, you would have felt bad for him.

Man there have been plenty of protests where we have kicked people out for doing dumbass shit, none have ever come back because at that point the protesters and police aren’t on their side. You guys want to trust the police when it suits you then you do you, fuck corroborating or talking to police during this lol


There’s a practical reason for turning the guy over to the police - to take him out of the game and stop what he was doing. It’s not like taking away his hammer neutralizes him forever.

There are places where police are marching with protesters. I don’t think the goal of most of these protesters is to abolish all police. It’s to get a police force that doesn’t kill and brutalize them.

That might be some of the white people’s idea itt. But we need to take our cues from the people at risk imo. We should be backup support.


Lol, trying to defend your perspective about RenoPD.

Who’s they? Are all protestors a single organism?

Couple incidents of looting in Illinois college towns maybe a dozen in Chicago suburbs and 1 squad burned. Extensive looting city wide.

Yeah I mean I figure there has to be some tiny kernel of truth that they’ve exaggerated. Like maybe he helped organize something, somewhere? But is it really just that he donates to a ton of democrat causes and then loony conspiracy theories legitimized by FoxNews?

Well, for the purposes of my hypothetical questions it would be the protestors that beat his ass. Let’s say instead they just walk him over to the nearest cop. You’re going feel bad for crossbow guy?

I’m back y’all. All is good. There are a lot of people out and the national guard is en route. People are awesome.


I think the fact that he is an old white guy matters here. I think you can safely turn one of those guys over with a clear conscience.

I’ve been thinking about this. On one hand, white people need to be on the front lines for solidarity because this shit is not okay. But also, be mindful that black people are going to be blamed for 100% of the property damage that happens, so maybe don’t try to dismantle a sidewalk (what the fuck is even the point of that?). Basically try to read the fucking room, don’t be an asshole, people need these sidewalks, that is my TED talk.


White BLM activists should be arrested?

lol I definitely don’t think any of the protestors that beat his ass would willingly go talk to police to turn in the right winger yelling all lives matter during an anti-police protest, if they do then I would think they are dumb. Also lol at thinking cops will definitely be on your side because you’re playing citizen cop for them while protesting them

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This is close, but its really important to note that hes Jewish. Almost every conspiracy around Soros is very, very anti Semitic.


I agree with all of that. But for shits and giggles let’s say that, hypothetically, they decide to do this extremely dumb thing. Do you feel bad for crossbow guy?

That rabbit-hole is a bit suspect.