Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)


KOMO is Seattle’s Sinclair affiliate.


Tired of hearing from these city officials. They are Bill Lumbergh reading lines for their masters: “Okay people let’s try to do things the right way meow meow.” Dude was murdered in broad daylight but please show some respect and move your protest down to storage B.


Apparently these white dudes used the n-word. Oops!

Also love the dude in the beginning walking away shaking his head like, “He fucked up.”



This whole fucking thing where white people commit senseless property damage infuriates and intrigues me. Are they cops? Just fucking imbeciles who are really into that Joker movie? Maybe this same kind of thing was going on in the 60’s but we didn’t’ have cell phone cameras?



a) No one is in charge. There are definitely white outsiders causing damage in places (like umbrella guy) - but it’s hard to know if they’re anarchists, cops or white supermacists. So yes there’s a chance some could maybe be antifa. But of course right-wing news sources are going to massively play up that everything is antifa, so please just be aware of that.

b) Soros is basically just Koch of the left. He’s not paying protesters and he’s not trying to make things burn - that’s insane.

I actually want to ask this thread about b). I actually know very little about Soros as I’ve always just assumed it’s all complete BS. What is Soros in reality? Is Koch of the left accurate?

I told my mom to send me anything she’s read about Soros (but not from Breitbart or some ridiculous source) and I would look into it.

And Portland is the epicenter of antifa. So unless they’re deliberately traveling out of town to start shit - are they really doing anything right now?

That’s a great job by almost everyone. The protesters handle the dude causing problems, get his hammer away, turn him over to the cops. The cops don’t overreact, and when they are told that the second guy was helping, they let him go.

Then fucking Aquaman at the end, I have no idea what that’s about.


“Koch of the Left” sounds kind of demeaning, like saying “Hitler of the Allies”.

I mean, I literally just spent less than a minute googling him but this Open Society Foundations - Wikipedia

Open Society Foundations financially support civil society groups around the world, with a stated aim of advancing justice, education, public health and independent media.

sounds better than funding John Birch Society offshoots and trying to burn the planet to the ground under the cynical guise of economic freedom.

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Dude was playing Twister there at the end.


I really like to see this. I don’t care who that dude is - he’s an asshole. He had a helluva grip on that one dude who drug him over to the cop though.

Holy shit, I didn’t watch the end of that and I missed the epic teaser for whatever the fuck superhero this guy is supposed to be, what a goddamned beast.



Prime ground for 4/8chan incels, its like 100% overlap.

lol at turning anyone over to police right now, lost your damn mind. Take his hammer away and kick him out of the protest but don’t give anyone to the police when trump is talking about long sentences and saying “Antifa” is a terrorist organization


Soros is 90, dude can’t function never mind control the world in some illuminati way.
He’s a rich Jew, thats the reason there are conspiracies against him.


Fuck that shit. The dude is white. This is not our fight. If a bunch of people of color want to destroy a cop car that’s one thing.

White people should be out there in support - not taking things to the next level. That’s up to the people who are actually in danger of getting choked out by the cops. They’re allowed to police the protest and let it proceed however they want.


Nah man, that’s guys a fucking asshole. Probably he’s a cop or some dumb 4chan asshole who deserves whatever comes his way.


For the QAnon/Alex Jones Crowd, Soros is like the antichrist, Sauron and Cthulu melded together, wielding his hammer of the new world order, bilderberg, Queen Elizabeth is a reptilian alien etc . . . They haaaate Soros to a whole other level. I never really could piece together why. Usually this crowd is ok with extremely wealthy holocaust survivors…Oh I get it now.

My pony was sold by the Rothschild banking family.


I did enjoy JR Smith (Earl) beating the ass of some punk white kid who thought it was a good idea to smash on his truck


Like this thread is literally all about police brutality and the abuses of the police (we have videos in this thread showing this) and ppl want to cheer on giving someone to the police because they weren’t okay with how he was protesting??? You guys can assume whatever you want about the person based on a video and justify wanting to give people to the police but I’m not okay with that. It’s pretty easy to drive him out of the protest and the cops weren’t even reacting to his stupidity there


Wait, so if they turned crossbow dude over to the police, you would be feeling bad for crossbow dude?