Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)


There are no work nights. We’re at like 30 percent unemployment at this point.

Fuck the peelers.



A thing of beauty is a joy forever.


Lady spitting hot fiya on CNN


I don’t think this has been in here yet… If so, it’s worth seeing twice.


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I can see a lot of workman’s comp requests coming through the Portland PD tomorrow. These cops are gonna end up with bum knees since they’re resting them on pavement instead of soft human flesh.


I’ve seen a few pics of cops protesting with people and holding signs or kneeling and almost all of them there are people at the same protests saying the cops started launching tear gas at peaceful protesters like an hour after the pictures lol

Maybe this one wasnt like that but a lot of these seem like PR before going into cop mode


Damn there is not going to be a piece of unbroken glass left at street level in DC.

We have a definitive Karen. When you’re about 10 seconds from the end, watch the woman in the red bandana very closely.



8pm curfew in Portland for the second night in a row. There’s a pretty large crowd of at least 1,000 who gathered at Laurelhurst Park on the east side and are now apparently going to cross the Burnside bridge into downtown. We’ll see how that goes. I was downtown this afternoon and saw a bunch of places boarding up windows.

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Ann Coulter posted unironically ITT.

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FYI cuz even I had to google him but it was a statue of Charles linn who the park is named after, was a business man in Birmingham, I’m seeing on Facebook that maybe he was a confederate as well but the main one that needs to come down and has been a legal battle for last couple years is the big obelisk they were trying to tear down earlier. I’m seeing some people say something about maybe they’re going to have it take down in the next couple days but that could easily be rumor

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“With those dirty ass feet”. That was next level. Those guys were extremely patient. Handled that Karen like a boss. I just got that they were calling the husband Brody. I’m in tears right now.


Can’t believe jman tried to take Karen away from us. Perfect descriptor for situations like these.


Apparently our mayor stepped in and asked them to stop and give him 24 hours to finish the job. Not sure how he’s going to do that as is described in that article, they can’t legally remove it.

Just want everyone to remember, if you’re still mad about @skydiver8 liking Pete, she DID save the term Karen for us tonight, and she’s definitely NOT a Karen. So I think everyone should just admit she’s one of the cool kids.



Kinda feel bad for Karen’s husband. His reaction is kinda like “sigh, what BS is she stirring up this time.”

His life must be a living hell. I’m sure he knew what he signed up for though.