Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

My thoughts exactly. Is the “ agitator “ industry so vast that there are large groups waiting for work near every major city?


Yeah, that sounds about right.

I was mostly curious because last time I was there, which was a while ago, I went to a good number of really nice restaurants. Soon after I came back I went to one here and server asked up front if anyone had any food allergies and I remember thinking that it was a bit weird that it never came up the whole time I was in Paris.

CNN getting the vapors about the Minneapolis police chief kneeling while he refuses to arrest the rest of the murdering cops is so fucking disgusting. Is MSNBC better?

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When it comes to black people looting foot locker, white people are jealous that they had to pay for their Nikes but delighted at the fact that those people are animals.

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The media has been embarrassingly stupid.



well in paris nobody who’s allergic to peanuts is ordering the peanut butter dessert, in america some people you have to explain that the latter contains the former.





Cuomo is on CNN breaking apart the chief’s non-arrest argument fwiw. Says it’s a gut punch.

Seems like in DC the cops are breaking big groups into smaller groups and then probably going to trap and circle a bunch of different smaller groups to arrest.


I think you’re gonna be hard pressed to find a peanut butter dessert in Paris, but otherwise agreed.


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Unlikely. Even in times of crisis PD’s switch to an Alpha-Bravo system. You need at least two shifts so people can sleep.


These ASL translators kinda freak me out



The NYPD has 38,000 officers, so they aren’t going to be sending all of them anywhere

Yeah, all the MSM feeds can only be enjoyed on mute.

I’d also like to point out the MSM is collaborative in (a) what they choose to show, and what they choose not to, (b) not making it clear that they’re effectively ‘embedded’ with the ‘troops’ like modern war correspondence.

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