Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Don’t know if true but apparently every cop in NY just got called to the Barclays Center in Brooklyn

The police attack peaceful protestors whenever they want


A few mins to the curfew in DC…

I love the internet sometimes.

CNN reporter said his cameraman got hit with a baton by police as they were leaving Lafayette Park down H Street.

Garcetti mentioned like 10 times that officers have been injured in the stupid interview i just overheard.

Curfew for part of OKC now. Reading the comments on the mayor’s FB is legitimately terrifying with lots of posts like this:


Purity tests get us nowhere.

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But that’s our cultural heritage!!

You’re stereotyping your stereotypes. Huge over generalizations of females have more sources than incels, which seem to only base their jargon on the sexual activities of the targets.

Most likely the Karen meme started because words with hard consonants are funny and some skit where an over-privileged, under educated women was named Karen and grew from there.

Mass open firing on protesters in DC.

What do you think those bigger explosions are?

It’s like they’re so used to the “ReSpEk PoLiCe” cheat code working they can’t process what’s happening. They keep taking the cartridge out, blowing in it, and putting it back in thinking it will boot this time.


She’s got an old dumb libertarian guy basically telling her ALL of this stuff is the work of professional outside agitators and she is kind of playing into his hands. I’ve got some black friends making “you fucked around and found out” posts and others condemning the riots and looting. I stay out of that but it’s not so easy to hold my tongue when a right winger weighs in.

I don’t have anything in front of me now, a lot has been shared in this thread I think, mostly stuff on Twitter. Lots of protesters claiming that, local organizers claiming that, etc.

MSNBC equating “peaceful” with “good” and “not peaceful” with “bad”.

So, what did you tell her?

Every fucking city has a protest where the fuck are the outsider who are trying to divide us coming from? The suburbs?

Also, who is “us”?