Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Just got off the phone with my mom. She had two questions - who’s in charge of antifa? And why does George Soros want all these violent protests to happen?


Friend was sending me photos from Tampa of riot police. Most of south east Florida under curfew.

Wow this dude had a fuckin’ HAUL comin’ outta Footaction in Santa Monica. Probably enough outfits to dress a village.

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I expected that and I still was like good lord reading it.

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you love to see it


From the WH stream, most protesters have left, police just now started advancing and using gas.

Tell her you’re now in charge of anti-fa.


I can’t tell if they left or just fell back some becuase the cops keep advancing. But those protesters hanging in there against tear gas and whatever else the cops are shooting have huge balls.

MSNBC is fucking wild right now.

Who cares. C’mon, my dudes.

While looking for something else.

Shit DC police charging

If you have a lanyard, microphone, and friend with a prop TV camera you can weave right into the action unimpeded apparently.

Up until you get shot in the eye

Man the crowds in DC on CNN behind the front line look pretty big.



The guy doing the DC stream I’m watching has been teargassed twice and shot in the ankle with something.

Crazy white girl on CNN right now

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Those cops really were honing in on her.

Man if all the Confederate monuments around the country get torn down that would be amazing