Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

The cops keep moving forward at the WH for absolutely no reason except to create conflict, as far as I can tell.

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The Latin Kings are a street gang.


MSNBC said it was a police van

Boston streamer telling cops they’re bitches and other based things

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Photo is my own from Chicago’s SE side. I was driving through, not protesting.

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Yea this guy is not scared


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Lol - when has hiring the Hells Angels for security ever gone wrong?


Lol looting GameStop in NYC right now


DC is lit. Teargas getting lobbed all over. Small fires all around the white house. Shit, looks like they got a building going now.

My bad, it’s Newark, NJ. Saw Broad St. and thought it was North Philly on Broad.

Yea was going to ask if anyone knows what that building is but it’s fucking lit

In cases like this, I generally defer to the community most affected and stay out of it. If asked, I’ll give my opinion, but I’m not going to do any work arguing the other side.


Would be a damn shame if protesters made their way up here


Cops are now open firing on the crowd with something. Maybe rubber bullets hard to tell.

One of the Boston streams on that twitch channel, the news channel has a Chyron, Boston police: the protestors still in Boston have given up the moral high ground, umm no fuck you

link to Washington stream please

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They generally have really big menus with options of all the stuff they make. If you can’t find something that works, you are free to eat elsewhere.

No special orders plus meals takes 2-3 hours and no one expects fast service is why French waiters can service 4x as many tables as the average American waiter.

So, Trump is either in the bunker or asking why they can’t open fire on them right now. Probably both actually.