Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Lol I think it’s still up actually but I will, found this feed.

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But that’s a tangential offshoot to the riots.

The riots are about burning what was built on the backs of slaves.

The one they tore down was of someone the park was named after with a daughter’s of the confederacy plaque.

There was another they were trying to bring down with a truck.

Yea I’m watching now, Charles Linn was the one they tore down.

The confederate one is the one they are trying with the truck but it’s a big ass statue, apparently they were chipping at it and defacing it at least

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Chilling on multiple levels.

well sorry doug jones for completely killing off your re-election chances but we thought you were a goner anyway and it’s for a good cause


Haha yea they goin at it with some sledge Hammers now

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What do they do for people with food allergies?

Doug was out at one of the protests earlier today


DC WH is lit, small scuffle then Cops moved back…

Put out cigarettes on their faces.


He’s saying it’s well lighted


I’m all in on the under.


the boston feeds

why do the roads look like our military bombed the shit out of them?

Mercury switch bombs won’t work in most of the US, we don’t have as many hills. Cops might drive around for months without it going off.


That’s just Boston

TIL Dudley square is now Nubian Square

I grew up 10 minutes from Dudley Sq

Car just drove through a crowd in the live ABC Boston feed. Didn’t look like anybody got seriously hurt but idk

I lived in Boston for five years. Car on fire in front of Park Street church right now.