Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Seattle live news

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This guys seems cool as hell. He’s the one who got shot with a rubber bullet last night right?

Ahhh… Found the 1 I wanted

I hadn’t seen some of these, and I only went through the first 15-20. Is the shooting of the guy they had on the ground legit and from this week? If so it’s damn near as bad as the Greg Floyd murder.

I’ve been reading a series of detective novels set in North Ireland in the 80’s and it’s wild how we seem to be on course to have our own American version of the Troubles, just like we have our own version of The Office and Top Gear.

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Regi, yes…

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They aren’t looting they’re expropriating

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In numerous cities there are reports of white nationalists coming in and vandalizing or trying to set fire to minority owned businesses.

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The cops still patrol in the ghetto and they don’t have to look for mercury tilt-switch bombs under their cars, but who knows where we go from here.

I have heard rumors of areas like that in some of the larger cities, but I have no idea if they are actually true. Most likely right wing racist propaganda.

Which brings up an interesting issue when comparing this unrest to unrest in other countries: the US is HUGE and I’m not sure if models and sociology, etc that were applied to other uprisings and movements across the world could be used in the US. We are so diverse with so many big cities and wide open spaces, the scope is just staggering to think about compared to the Troubles, for example.

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Birmingham is trying to tear down a confederate statue


I hope they succeed


All right, imitrex down I’m going back out. I don’t take my phone, I have a prepaid burner. Hopefully I’ll update y’all in a bit.

Long Beach curfew is 8 p.m. despite 6 p.m. countywide curfew- they have the authority to set their own despite being in LA County.


Marty u are so hard! What hood do u reside over?


That’s right wing propaganda. There are areas in the big cities where cops don’t go without partners, etc., but there aren’t any “no-go” zones.


Man hell yes I wish I was there, that statue has been part of a legal fight for months now

Looking on my Facebook feeds people are saying they got it down, cops didn’t try to stop them


A buncha folks kettled, mass arrest going down in MN. CBSN feed.