Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

MSNBC news is Left-leaning.

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They actually insinuated that about the national guard. The National Guard dude said they received info about a threat from the FBI that they felt was credible and that’s why he wanted them armed.

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Lol, I guess the White House situation on Friday was a little more severe than the White House originally let on:

CA Santa Monica is still kicking off

As a 40-something white woman, I feel I have particular authority to talk about the Karen thing.

I think it’s fucking hilarious and true. Riverman’s comments abut midwestern restaurants hit particularly close to home, since my mother was a Karen before most Karens were born. I distinctly remember several cringeworthy moments when she’d ask to speak to a manager or send her food back or complain, etc, and I’d be like…come on Mom can we please just GO.

I have always felt a sort of secondhand embarrassment when I see people acting this way, and it’s directly linked to my mother. How Freudian.

Anyway, it doesn’t offend me at all, but I’m not a Karen (or I try very hard not to be)


Yeah and 80% of the protesters are coming from Hong Kong and Chile.
These guys are so full of shit. But they are making it so that gas/incendiary type items will be stashed.


From what I’ve seen in streams tonight looks like almost all the protests are peaceful now and minorities are getting pissed at people throwing shit/breaking shit.


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Same here. My mom’s 65 and from small town Nebraska and I cringe going to restaurants with her. Without fail, it takes 2+ minutes to complete her order. Precise instructions on every item down to the goddamn fries. Just for once could you try a meal as is?

In France she’d probably get tossed out of the restaurant by the chef b/c they view it as an insult when you try to modify their dishes.


Just learned there are protests in redlands CA coming my way. I want to join them so badly, gotta keep moms safe though.

I guess my sister was shopping at Wal Mart and super panicked employees were pulling shoppers out of aisles and making them go home. She called me worried. The protest is like 15 miles away and entirely peaceful lol







It’s possible but honestly all the looting and destruction that I saw yesterday seemed like people from Chicago and it wasn’t “anarchists” or whatever in black clothes. I saw a lot of anarchists that I’ve seen at other protests and most of them were at the front lines. Also CPD had a lot of difficulty responding to a lot of the looting calls last night and seemed to be stretched thin. There’s a lot of anger in this city building up over the years especially in regard to the police and rightly so. I mean Chicago cops are pieces of shit and I could see them doing this to have a reason to attack protestors but it didn’t seem like they needed any reason to do that yesterday or today either way. Didn’t see anything too suspicious and we were able to identify under covers pretty early in the day, there was one guy that came by me and my buddy and wanted to talk our heads off about HK.

Who knows? it’s probably happening to some extent where there are opportunists taking advantage of the mayhem from all sides including the police. I have friends (from all racial backgrounds) in the city who don’t like what some protestors are doing in regards to looting and property damage saying it distracts from the message and some that are closer to the burn it down side and are glad they have allies feeling the same way.

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Its actually kind of amazing the Rumsfeld is only the second worst Donald to play a major role in the US federal government this century. And there’s 80 more years to go!

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This guy gets the best hood scene’s and chat…


Trolly is just putting a fine point on how a good part of this isn’t about white privilege but hot damn it definitely is about privilege.

I mean I don’t know much but that’s my impression from what I saw yesterday. I’m pretty suspicious and there’s definitely fishy stuff going on everywhere

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