Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

All the minority owned businesses are getting torched?

I guess Long Beach is getting looted. I missed the fun. I have no appetite for looting but I’ll help break the windows.


Yea, DC announced a 11-6am curfew a few minutes ago (not sure if that’s what you’re referring to)

Edit: corrected time of curfew, misread the message

Is jman a mod? If so, with takes like this, jman should probably not be a mod

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LA County 6 pm curfew and I believe tomorrow too.

It’s happening boys.

That is so profound.

Checks out

Seems excessive



Hells Angels are protecting bars and some property a could blocks from the beach in Myrtle. Police are allowing them leeway w the protesters .

Lol, Long Beach declares illegal assembly which based on what I saw is an absurd policing mistake, but on Twitter I see they’re looting the big mall right by me.

LOL at looting Forever 21 and Guess. Come on people, risk-reward.

Is the coverage of this changing or is tonight less crazy than the last few nights so far?

it’s just getting to sunday night

in the morning everyone has to go to work… never mind

It’s only 8:41 PM on the East Coast and 5:41 PM on the West Coast.

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Mpls semi driver is in custody.

These guys are not. All addresses are in neighborhoods outside of yesterday’s protest area:

Definitely seeing a lot of white anarchybro dipshits from out of town smashing windows and making a mess and they all seem like privileged assholes, assuming they aren’t cops.

Meanwhile, in Ohio:


How exactly do you tell they are from out of town?

I’m guessing they aren’t shitting where they eat.

So, I’m assuming Karen can also apply to men?

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Reporter 1: We saw those cops in NY run into protestors.

Reporter 2: Sometimes you hit the gas when you meant to hit the brake.

2 cars. Both were stopped. And we wonder why the questions to Trump are so damn stupid.


The Minneapolis presser a bit ago, they said that they’ve been finding caches of gas/incendiary type items prestashed.