Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I didn’t get any updates on that tweet from 2 days ago with the Cops slamming that dude in NYC, unfortunately.

Let me try that again. Anyway yeah I have a black friend who is upset about this and I just wondered what you all think. It troubles me I’ll say. Like I basically think looting and vandalism are an understandable and predictable consequence but as a white guy I don’t know what right I have to even attempt to defend this to a black person whose perspective is that black people are going to take the blame for the actions of white activists (assuming they are genuine lefty types) Black Protester Confronts White Women Tagging Starbucks with 'BLM'

same dude that tweeted that a couple tags on a new york church was DEFACING ONE OF THE HOLY PLACES or some bullshit

For what it’s worth, the take I have settled on with regard to looting/rioting is this: anyone, including me, who benefits from this corrupt and unjust system carries some risk that our shit is going to get grabbed or smashed and our safety endangered. Even the best of us, imo, are to some extent complicit. Very, very, few of us are actually “innocent”. Some are more or less innocent than others, obviously. But what we are seeing is the inevitable result of inequity in our society, and just about all of us own a little piece. Payback is a bitch.


I agree. And right before he came to a stop he turned to the left to avoid the person (at least I think it was a person) who had fallen in the street.

Dunno if this got posted but worth reupping in case others missed it



I agree for everyone in this forum but I feel like there are definitely some purely innocent people who have shops or homes near the protests. Would that we could all temporarily substitute some of our assets for theirs…I’ve been donating to some bailout funds, will keep my eye out for cleanup fund as well.

Seeing a few tweets from idiots thinking ANTIFA is a terrorist organization now because Trump said it. Therefore lethal force is justified. I wonder how many rednecks are going to start shooting.

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Like I’m pushing back against the “outside agitators” narrative on my social media but then I feel like an asshole because I have at least one black friend who is also saying that. And at least a few white liberal friends.

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They found the sword dudes my little pony fanfic account.


A whole guild of bronies played some mmo on my server once. GW2 maybe?


GOP sees the protests and goes, you know the real problem here…

Chicago police were using uhual vans for prisoners yesterday because too many of the wagons were being used and some were damaged

I’ll infer it was pretty common during the Troubles?

I was marching in Long Beach from about 330-430. I woke up about five minutes before rolling out and walked about four blocks to join the March then passed right by my house and came back in, I’ve got a massive migraine likely brought on by awful sleep patterns. We had residents I don’t know at the door who didn’t want to let me in the building even though I had a key, lol.

March was significant. Most hope I’ve had since Occupy. Deep down there is pessimism of course but it is essential to ignore that and carry forward with hope.

I’m kind of immature and I like breaking shit in a targeted fashion. No desire to loot. But I also have a bit of a stupid ass hero complex that I have to calm down to stay out of jail and trouble right now.

I’ll probably be able to go out again later. Otherwise, tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow…you never know when this could be the time.


interesting convo between black cop and black protester on Smacc’s DC feed

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Reno at 5p no active demonstrating, signs of violence - OTOH, things stayed quiet until 9p or so last night - Governor called out the guard so lots of police presence. Happily, no nonsense about "outside agitators - about 20 arrested last night and only one from California. Hopefully stay things quiet.


Just got a 6 pm curfew text.


Where at?