Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Stay safe out there

It did, I was listening to the police scanner. Helicopter was diverted (some commander was yelling at them to get the damn chopper over there lol), skyway coming into Illinois was closed by state police, all entrance ramps from the highway into the city were closed off (although this last one wasn’t done in response to that specifically)

I haven’t looked too much but this is a cop blog I guess:

So we get home at zero-dark-thirty and finally get a message, issued at 2330 hours last night, that Days Off are cancelled and twelve-hour shifts are in effect.

So the “no OT” thing is over finally?

And a special salute (single finger) to the media who didn’t once breeak into active programming yesterday afternoon while downtown burned and hundreds of rioters arrived via bus from Indiana.


LMFAO. They’re high on their own supply.

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I’m the same. 5’11" 145 and it’s just impossible to keep on weight. My absolute max was 155 and that was when I was stuffing myself with 1200 calorie shakes, cheeseburgers, etc. 3-4x a day. I obviously felt like shit and realized it wasn’t worth it, and the second I wasn’t constantly stuffing my face I dropped 10 lbs.

Your weight is actually on the border between underweight/normal so it isn’t even that low. Perhaps all the fats here would do well to search low calorie meals in the Good Food Thread, then thin people wouldn’t seem so freakishly rare. Overweight BMI is seen as the new Normal in USA.


It was all over the scanner

did they say “antifa supersoldiers”?


I’m 5’11 and when I’m at 165-170 or so I am at like 10-12% body fat or less (thinking I was less, I’m a bit of a fatty atm).

I’d like to go to the Chicago protests with a bunch of KKK hoods and try and hand them out to the police.

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You’re twisting my words. Do you deny that there is a large amount of violent crime in West Baltimore? In North Philadelphia? In South Chicago?

It’s almost entirely the fault of the political policies put in place by white people that have fucked over these neighborhoods for decades, but that doesn’t change the situation on the ground in these neighborhoods right now, and we’re not going to fix it overnight.

I don’t think what we’re doing now is the right solution, but going to 0 policing in those areas is not going to work and is going to make it worse. Even in Hamsterdam in The Wire, a police presence was required to keep the activity in a certain area. You just want to turn entire neighborhoods/cities into Hamsterdam. That’s absurd.

How many?


Godddddddddd this makes me mad at my genetics. I’m eating like 1800-2200 calories a day right now of 99% vegetarian food and almost all of it healthy, and I haven’t been able to drop a pound in weeks from 5’7 252.

5’10, 125 is not at all the same as 5’ 11, 145.

The two situations aren’t comparable.

So the mayor of LA is closing down all covid testing centers because people burned police cars?


Just saying, we should be cognizant of body shaming skinny people as well. And technically, he’s only 5 lbs. from normal BMI anyway. If he eats well and takes care of himself, then who cares.

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That statistic isn’t really that surprising tbh. Being a roadside worker is really fucking dangerous.

E.Garcetti announced this on live tv.

All I’m saying is the two situations aren’t really the “same”. No shaming here.

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