Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I just witnessed a murder.


We’d known each other from mid single digit age. Later, as young adults, I used to party with his cop buddies. Got some wild stories I can tell from that side too.

Fair point but the Dems did have other less racist people in the primary and black primary voters were a key reason he is the nominee

Nordstrom fortifying their Manhattan location

huh. Guess I was wrong.


I don’t really get these discussions about how to reform the police. We already have the exact policing most people want.


… with kindling?


What are you saying? That cops are shot left and right by redneck militias and gang members and therefore need to be militarized like soldiers about to deploy for war? It’s the COPS who are armed to the teeth and it’s why they aren’t afraid to drive their cars through crowds of protesters, shoot paint balls and use pepper spray and arrest peaceful protesters with impunity

And here’s the best idea. Have police do the job they’re supposedly hired to do, which is protect and serve their communities, instead of targeting, arresting, and killing the most vulnerable among them for non violent crimes. It doesn’t need to take decades

I would not agree. If they were massive enough and the civil disobedience was smart and targeted, think it would work.

And Im not even necessary against the vandalism. Just think half of this is messaging war and it can hurt the cause.

I really want someone to ask Trump and McConnell if they want America to be a one-party system like Mother Russia. Because it sure seems like they do. And its pretty rich for them to speak out against looting when they are looting the country on a daily basis.

What kind of example were we supposed to take from the impeachment trial? I mean WTF was that? How does every Republican (cept Romney) vote for acquittal and every single Democrat for conviction. Next time I get jury duty I’m going to tell the judge “yeah I’ll do impartial justice, guilty if the defendant is Republican and innocent if he’s a Democrat”. What could be wrong with that? We’re straight up fucked. There is no leadership.

Heading out to the protest in okc. Hope I don’t catch COVID or lose an eye. Solidarity forever


Good luck

Mea culpa for biting on this.



I mean last night I watched a huge wheeled dumpster get filled with crap set on fire and pushed at the line of cops. Luckily the guy had zero aim and it went off at an angle and lost all momentum before it got there.

When they’re literally killing you, retaliatory destruction is all they have

I’m not saying it can’t work. I’m saying it hasn’t worked lately.

One problem is residential segregation. Many people talk about desegregating white neighborhoods, but I think a bigger problem is minority neighborhoods. If a neighborhood is all non-white, it becomes easy to ignore and it becomes easy not to see citizens there as individuals. I am convinced that integrating minority neighborhoods should be a goal, but I am unsure about how to get there.


Yeah i get that. When peaceful protest is not working well…Still say it can work though.

Well lol @ u obviously.

But did this actually happen IRL? I’d like to see a non-activist source say cops actually bit and deployed resources on this obvious joke.

No, they don’t. This ‘poor people need policing because they’re violent’ canard is nonsense and thinly veiled racism.

You say community investment is needed, sure, cool idea. How about we stop robbing them first.