Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

And keep going until he’s gone. Let’s make it a national holiday.

The looters were only taking there part of the Trillion $ bailout fund the same way the Senate did it.




Mayor Pete showed up?


In Minneapolis, at least two local unions have taken strong stands against the murder of Floyd and in support of protesters… Unite Here Local 17… saying unequivocally that they stand with the Black Lives Matter movement…

In addition to Unite Here, the Minneapolis Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU 1005) issued a powerful statement of solidarity. Published three days after the killing of Floyd, ATU 1005 called for a new Civil rights movement linked arm-in-arm with labor:

“Police brutality is unacceptable! This system has failed all of us in the working class from the Coronavirus to the economic crisis we are facing. But this system has failed People of Color and Black Americans and Black youth more than anyone else. More than ever we need a new Civil Rights Movement. A Civil Rights Movement that is joined with the labor movement and independent of the corporate establishment’s political parties…”

this letter was followed by a true act of working class solidarity on Friday, when bus drivers, members of the ATU 1005 refused to cooperate with police requests to haul arrested demonstrators to prison on Minneapolis public buses. This action was repeated in New York City on Friday, when bus drivers similarly refused to cooperate with police attempts to commandeer their buses and force them to drive arrested protesters to jail.

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So this begs the question: Are police really this bad at assessing levels of threat? Or is there some other reason why they feel so emboldened?

Why the hell did he even accept the call?


Why not both?

Abolish the police?

Maybe keep them around and just pay them to set an example? They can go to protests and if it looks like it’s getting rough they can say “hey, how about a nice march? We can block traffic and chant!”

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Police should be people who live in the community 100% of the time. You probably shouldn’t patrol more than about 5 blocks from your house.




I was being facetious. They clearly don’t factor in level of threat before taking tyrannical actions. If they did, Floyd would be alive right now. The story isn’t that their being mean to journalists and peaceful protesters, it’s that they don’t present a threat so what protocol are they really following here and to what end?

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Fire them all.
Train new ones.
No guns.
No patrols, only come out when called.
No stopping anybody without an arrest warrant.
Entirely ‘civilian’ upper management.

The kind of reforms you’re talking about are part of the problem. They’ve been instituted again and again for 75 years at least and they’re clearly not nearly sufficient.

We have a paramilitary group regularly terrorizing and killing our people. Disbanding them is the only solution.


How does this have only four likes??? Guys, the cops crossed lines, the Sheriff said “What do you need from us?” The crowd chanted “Walk with us!” And they did.

This is cops coming to their senses and crossing lines.


Its impossible to know what caused changes, but…

As far as laws go there have been a fair amount of anti-discrimination stuff like fair housing and employment laws from the later 70s. And then protected classes have expanded. Also a lot of social change. I know it seems like race animosity is on 11 now, but it’s nothing like it was even as recently as 1990.


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LOL no, that’s a publicity stunt.

Rank & file cops not following cop bosses orders is “cops crossing lines”. Everything else is BS.


It will get more likes when those Cops start arresting the bad ones, it’s that simple brother. Enough is Enough.

You guys as has been said above have an paramilitary police force operating in America, the scenes yesterday are horrific and terrifying.

Yeah one of my college educated white liberal friends who I blew up on yesterday, we’re no longer on speaking terms, was already in “I support the protesters, but Antifa…” Mode yesterday.

Big city police departments all already have this stuff.

Defund the police. Take away most of the riot gear, automatic weapons, armored personnel carriers. If you want them to act more like Andy Griffith, quit outfitting them like George Patton.