Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I think anything short of overthrowing the government here will not change anything. The powers that be are way too powerful and entrenched to ever give more than token offerings to the masses here while the top 1% lives large.

I’ll put this in the category of things I hope I am wrong about but I just don’t see any possibility the Chuck and Nancys of the world ever fight for real meaningful change. Mostly because it would financially impact their corporate masters and fancy friends they get money from and spend the leisure time with.

I’m not arguing with anyone. I am asking you to tell me the solution as I would like to understand the range of options.

I don’t mean the burn it down solutions. The build it up ones.

Those don’t exist here.


Your pony is from out of town.

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Ok let’s say it’s the day after you have overthrown the government. I want to understand how it works? There are no police?

I’m not arguing. I want to understand. I am in the record fully agreeing with all that has happened this week.

Yeah these are pretty dark takes. I’m gonna go back to sleep and hope I wake up in real life again.

I have no idea but when given the best chance to actually initiate change ever in having Trump as the opponent the Dems nominated Joe Biden. A senile racist.

The system isn’t saveable at this point. It needs to be torn down and rebuilt. There are people smarter than me that probably have some good ideas on how to do it but just mimicking parts of Europe is enough to get us half way there.

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Jesus Christ, Joe Biden isn’t racist.


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Need to read or re read the Howard Z history of America book

What you are talking about is fantasy land stuff

Is this a real take? Biden’s own actions over the decades show you are wrong. Not to mention the racist shit that spews out of his mouth when his brain misfires.

He was literally picked as Obama’s running mate to try and calm the fears of white racists.


Okay so after a night of sleep let me share some of the really good stuff from Chicago yesterday:

-there was an amazing amount of support from all types of people out there, it was beautiful
-so many people handing out water, food and masks
-people wearing masks had to have been around 95% from what I saw
-fuck CPD every damn day, literally were trying to get people to fight them so they could start beating them, and when people didn’t do much they just went for it anyways
-also lol trump supporter girl came with trump 2020 socks saying “wow you don’t want a trump supporter being on your side?!?” She got a lot of water dumped on her lol
-dumbass lady tried to drive her car through a street with about a thousand protestors on the street and let’s just say her car might need some work done
-also it was insane how many cops were guarding trump tower






lol the “Jesus Christ” part is sending me

as if he didn’t oppose busing while saying he didn’t want his kids to grow up in a ‘racial jungle’, or give a eulogy to strom thurmond

To say “well I see why you might think so but I believe he’s changed” would be one thing but to faux outrage with a Jesus Christ as if there is no evidence, yeah sure buddy


How about you all take the Biden stuff to the Democratic primary fantasy page.


Hope protesters go there every fucking day.

Fontana CA

No Justice
No Peace
No Rent


Exactly. Straight malarkey. Would a racist let black kids pet his leg hair at the pool after surviving a terrifying showdown with a group of straight razor wielding black gangsters? Come on, man.