Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Assuming this is likely a mutual friend? Her accounts of what she’s experiencing have been harrowing.

Really need a grinder with a cut off wheel for that sort of thing

Did we learn nothing from that Breaking Bad episode.

I know you guys will be surprised but all the people arrested in Minnesota were not out of towners and the police and city lied


Curfew in effect here in Richmond VA. Gonna use my one time on protesters vandalizing or, better, toppling some of the enormous civil war abominations on Memorial Ave. Would be on point.


Absolutely useless words. What the fuck does this even mean?

Is he going to resign? Fire some people? Make changes so this stuff doesn’t happen again?


CBC article on it highlights some of the poor tactics used by police(brutality) trying to quell the protest

I don’t know how you could possibly think that ANY solution to this is going to involve earmarking more money for police. What are you thinking?

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Not for police. For police reform. Things like citizen oversight, funding for think tanks and NGOs, policy shops with communities, open houses, minority training programs, media campaigns etc.

I understand what you meant. I just don’t trust departments to spend the money appropriately and honestly I don’t think any of those things would actually help.

I really can’t envision any solution where we continue having police departments as we know them today.

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The rest of the world has police departments without the same level of these problems.

It’s not police in general, it’s America. The things I suggested would help fix the root cause.

No nation state could function without a police force.

Just need to label George “America” and it’s perfect.


Crazy me trying to come up with an actual solution.

How about you try? What would you actually do to fix it?


Stop the flow of profits. Shut it all down. More people not paying rent. More strikes. More transportation infrastructure disrupted. More mutual aid. More healthcare right fucking now.


If you think the politicians that spent all of our PPE money on storm trooper gear are going to be part of the solution on this…bless your heart


I don’t know if this is a recent photo or not, but it is certainly relevant.


I don’t disagree but what is the alternative? What is the actual solution? Not just a list of complaints.

I listed a series of actions I think would help. Feel free to list others. I know there are lots I havnt thought of.

Sabo made a good list to jump off from.


I have him on ignore.