Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Not related to your sentiment but something really, really weird is that the 2nd girl went for Halloween last year as a creature with a hole, a wound in it’s forehead, dripping fake blood.

We’re definitely living in a simulation, man.

edit- shit closed the tab but it’s somewhere in the replies


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Not sure if it would be included in your police reform suggestion, but there needs to be a push for more minority hiring in police departments. Predominantly white police forces in racially diverse cities is a recipe for disaster. We need a deep dive into police culture. Put some regular citizens in the squad room when the shift commander talks to the officers about their upcoming shift. Whose idea is it to do a nickel and dime undercover drug sweep in a minority neighborhood today? We need more ride-alongs and citizen surveillance of the cops and not just cop surveillance of citizens. Then be vocal about the findings. The reform you speak of needs to be very real.

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A few reports an hour of looting in Chicago continue to roll in. The sun is up here.


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Evidently Indy got wild lazy after I fell asleep. Someone was murdered and gun shuts were popping off all over. Thankfully we are a little bit outside of downtown proper but still wild. I assume we see round 3 tonight?

With everyone unemployed it’s not like there’s anywhere to go tomorrow morning. Bring it on.

Peaceful protest has accomplished basically nothing in the last 50 years.

This is just patently false and you know that. Perhaps it fair to say it hasn’t accomplished enough.

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Let’s hear some examples? (To clarify I am talking about the US only.) I’d love to be wrong.



We have probably hundreds of incidents on video of police escalating things with peaceful protesters


No-one had to burn any cop cars to get them to re-do Sonic The Hedgehog for that movie, I suppose.


There are lots of examples older than 50 years in America. More recent examples I can think of are lusty lady unionization and the lactation protests. Outside America there are also lots of examples.

I don’t disagree that peaceful protest right now in America is somewhat worthless.

That’s exactly why I picked 50 years. Basically nothing good has been accomplished in 50 years here so it would be pretty hard to find examples of something large scale and meaningful coming from a peaceful protest in that timeline.

It’s a fair point.

PHILADELPHIA—Quickly turning what had been an orderly demonstration into a violent melee, a peaceful protest Friday was reportedly interrupted by a swarm of aggressive, black-clad militants. According to bystanders, the protesters had been marching and chanting without incident when they were suddenly set upon by the hostile militants who wielded blunt weapons and concealed their faces. Those who witnessed the event stated that the unprovoked aggressors seemed to have arrived planning to engage in some sort of violence, as evidenced by their protective padding and combative demeanor. Sources also confirmed that several of the militants surrounded an unarmed protester and severely beat him, and that some of the attackers also used slurs and threatening rhetoric while disrupting the peaceful march. At press time, outraged community members were demanding to know why none of the militants had been arrested.




Real and Onion.

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