Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I think ANTIFA weirdly benefits from the right wing obsession. They’ve been yelling about it for like 5 years now with the same intensity as Benghazi, Obamagate and all their other totally made up bullshit, nobody really responds to or cares about the breathless panic. I follow politics closely and have no actual idea what they are/do.

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She’s more like 90lbs. Shit was unseemly.


Seriously, the butterfly effect if the axxhxxe cop had just called on sick that day

Hate reddit video so I gotta post the whole thread. But seems like the Sheriff in Flint had all his guys lay down their riot gear and march with the protesters. Same thing happened in KC I believe.

Both places avoided any violence from my understanding. Wonder in how many other places this would have worked to avoid the violence, destruction of property etc.

I don’t think it would work in the massive cities. In those places you need to also promise legislation. Civilian review boards with real power and civil suites now coming out of pensions instead of tax payer funded. But its a start regardless.



This is the obvious solution.

Also where the fuck are the Democrats how have they not tabled a “living while black” and federal civil rights bill.

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Don’t want to scare off all those moderate Trump supporters they’ve been trying to win over.

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The first tweet is about Minneapolis. I think the replier got confused by the street name. There is a ‘Chicago’ and ‘38th’ street in Chicago but they are parallel, lol.

Basically, KKK and similar types don’t come to Chicago anymore after the embarrassing history.

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If you need some education on the whole Becky, Karen and “living while black” thing, as I did, this weeks episode of On the Media podcast has a great summary and interview.

You may want to review the historical genesis of the crossing-the-Rubicon metaphor and see how it turned out…


The war is fought on many fronts.

Antifa here is like the Republicans calling any eventual nominee socialist. They’re going to blame them for everything. They are doing this-- “outside agitators,” “drug cartels,” “far left,” “people outside the state,” etc.–no matter what. Both Republicans and liberal mayors/governors are beating this drum. They’re priming the public for the eventual severe and gruesome state violence to come.

I really hope that getting shot in the face with rubber bullets provokes the lol media to maybe push back a bit harder when Donnie Dumb Dumb declares them the enemy of the people over and over again.



Thank them for what exactly?

The antifa thing is pure smokescreen. A tiny fraction of the people out last night would have been involved in any way with something like antifa which isn’t even a group in the sense the word is normally used.

Like the undercover cops and white supremicists, the claims of antifa is just another way to downplay the legitimate anger among the protestors.

lol the cop in the rear was like goddamn i know were all bastards but jfc help him up

Yea, in any riot you’ll have some violent destructive people, those people then “become” antifa and then it becomes “hard left groups leading the destruction” whether there were any antifa there or not.

You’re not going to be able to differentiate an Antifa riot from a Super Bowl win party riot in any meaningful way.


Seems to me the path forward is pretty clear:

  1. all police are told to back down and even join the protest. This will diffuse the immediate tension,

  2. all four officers need to be charged today with the maximum charge possible,

  3. every democratic politician, and any republican with a conscience (I know lol), needs to stand together tonight and announce its time for change,

  4. a bill needs to be put forward this week making it federally illegal to call the police on a minority for doing everyday things, and

  5. another bill needs to be put forward providing a huge amount of money for police reform.


I mean, this sounds good in theory but how is any of that going to make Donnie Dumb Dumb feel like a Big Man? Get your priorities straight.