Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Eh… Fred was murdered for being assessed as having the intelligence and charisma to actually pull off a revolution, not for open-carry protesting.

There’s a whole different pandora’s box to open when we consider the possibility that black folks would be safer open-carrying in groups.

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I want to expand on this in the sense that I don’t know where this goes from here, but the possibilities are absurdly vast. I think ultimately, the idea that a left-wing uprising can overthrow even a local government in the presidency of Trump is just not realistic. He’ll nuke Grand Rapids before he lets it fall to “Antifa.”

This is why I feel like most of the possible outcomes are very bad, and it’s really important for someone to harness this into political power. We are desperate for a leader, and there is just a complete vacuum of leadership. Where the fuck is Biden? Where the fuck is Obama? Where the fuck is anyone in the United States Senate? I mean, some of them are doing like CNN interviews via telephone or Zoom. What the fuck is that?

Someone needs to fucking get in the game here. Go to a major protest, climb on top of a truck with a bullhorn or something, and fucking SPEAK. SPEAK TRUTH!

Quite frankly, it doesn’t even have to be someone eligible for POTUS or VPOTUS. It can be AOC. But someone needs to convey a few things:

  1. We hear you.

  2. Here is what we stand for as a movement, as a party if we move the party in my direction, and as good people in this country.

  3. This needs to translate into voting.

I swear to God, if Trump keeps dicking around at Mar-A-Lago and at Macho, Macho Man shuttle launches, and Biden keeps sitting around with his thumb up his ass doing nothing, someone could run third party and win.

At this point, Bernie should just fucking do it.

The only solution at this point is to torch a police car. Maybe it will lead to sex.

Politicians like AOC or Bernie can keep talking but we know the hope is fake. It’s impossible to pretend anymore.

Bernie got his head bashed with the bat from walking dead with spikes in favor of Biden by the democratic voters.

More info on crossbow guy, before he was crossbow guy, he was machete guy.


Imagine being a right wing MAGA dickhead and not having any weapons from the 21st century.

Cops released him, apparently without charges. Here’s a petition to change that.


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Here’s some video of the protesters fucking up his car. I think it’s fair to only watch this AFTER signing the petition. Those protesters were working hard, thank you!


Can’t find up to date stats as my google skills in French aren’t great, but lots of people (~20 by aug 2019) have been partially blinded by rubber bullets in the wave of protests that’s been ongoing in France for a few years. Simply using them in a crowd is intending this sort of thing.

Yeah a ton of people in HK lost an eye. I think some girl lost an eye, went back, and lost the other. I think you need to wear shatterproof goggles and hope for the best. Not even sure those will stop rubber bullets.


A white nationalist shot and killed a protester in Omaha. There’s video. You can’t see much. But it happened.

Fuck. This is only going to get worse I’m afraid.

I’m not actually sure he’s a white nationalist. People are reporting that he was racist and homophobic- there’s evidence of him saying stupid stuff about trans people. I’m combing through his facebook but this loser makes 25 posts a day about dogs. Which is cool, but seriously it’s nonstop.

He was supposedly defending his business.


Twitter says that he was not inside his business and the victim was moving away from it. The killer is out on bail already, supposedly. Guess they have an express lane for shitheads?

I mean, there’s no way it was justifiable except perhaps legally in USA#1.

I suppose there’s a question if when this is all over he can still play the “I’m white and he’s black” defense but I suspect it will still be available.

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Apparently Nebraska is not even a stand your ground state, so he’s only got the systemic injustice card to play.

I really wish Antifa and anarchists would stay out of the mix or take a back seat or something. Trump and Barr are already using it to drive wedges saying its the left burning black communities. It also gives the far right the ability to impersonate and stir it up.

Idk know what im saying but i have a bad feeling where this is all going. I know no one is into it anymore but non violent civil disobedience especially against an overwhelming force shows injustices better…


Ok, so, considering USA#1 definitely has a ‘car culture’ it’s been even longer since it’s had a ‘horse culture’ so I get that it’s not ingrained how dangerous horses are but, uh…

That’s a video of attempted murder.




Makes no difference, the cops/right/klan have been playing that song for 100 years.