Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

The war wasn’t exactly popular, but as you can see in the graph I posted above, opposition to the war declined for a bit in 1970 right after Kent State.

Look out, it’s Guy Fawkes masks! I can’t decide whether this is good or just a big nothingburger.


Polls depend on the question asked. Yeah, the war was not popular if you asked if we should be there, but it was a hell of a lot more popular than anti-war protesters.



Bill Barr’s account is suspended on Twitter wtf

Can’t figure out why or see his old tweets but super weird

Is Anonymous still the elite hacker group they were like 10 years ago? If so, this could get interesting…

I think it may be time to change the thread title to…

The Murder of George Floyd and the Ensuing Societal Unrest

What do you guys think? This is sort of naturally becoming about more than just the murder of George Floyd. This is about systemic problems and it’s going beyond policing and criminal justice soon if it hasn’t already. We heard “Eat the Rich!” chants at one protest, and “Fuck Donald Trump” at a couple others.

This is becoming sort of a catch-all uprising of the populism that has not been heard in recent years.

I don’t know. They have been quiet lately. Coulda used them on that whole russia thing


That is some good propaganda though, and it gets at a point that I think some people understand indirectly. Police aren’t here to serve and protect or to carry out justice, as much as they’re here to enforce a social order.

This is important as unregulated late stage capitalism widens the gaps in society, because the poor become poorer and more desperate… So the policing becomes more extreme.


she’s ok btw after a short trip to the hospital


It’s crazy, that seemed horrific yesterday. Today that was light work from the boys in blue.




Yes, very little coverage. I think it’s just coming down to where the national media has their cameras, and that’s mostly in the big cities. Even the coverage in Philly was a joke today on national media.

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You hearing gunfire right now? My other friend in Richmond said she just heard what sounded like AKs.

Dylan had a few. But not exactly pop.

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Completely insane.

It’s really important that places like Richmond keep this up. I mean, Grand Rapids, MI was popping off today. They have a lot of resources, but they are exhaustable. They cannot keep control in every city simultaneously. An actual nationwide, unending protest would effect some kind of change although I’m not sure for the good. This probably isn’t the big one, but you really never know.

Holy shit man. Stay safe.


Yes, you guys are awesome. Thank you.


Also, didn’t mean to imply Richmond was anything like Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids is like the most conservative medium sized city in MI. If things can start popping off there, there’s a real chance this is going to be massive.

I’m sure in two days regular people will all see the Detroit businessowner beatdown video and they’ll be ready for the cops to shoot us though.

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I passed that along, she was deciding whether to sleep in the front or back of the house, so I think that helped her make a decision.

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