Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

If there are any faces or identifying things for people in the picture then definitely don’t post it unless you edit it and hide those details

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Is it worse than everything else that’s been posted here? Spoiler it if you think it is triggering.

Is it the woman laying on the ground with the rubber bullet lodged in her forehead?

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Maybe spoiler it. If it is showing violence from cop to citizen it is probably important to see


here’s the video. I’ll refrain from posting the still shot.


Damn that’s fucked up

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fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck me.

I appreciate you positng it Diver, regardless of the brutality.

Its important we don’t look away. They did that. We have a responsibility to see.


lol Chicago police were pretty worried that there were 3,000 protesters coming on buses from Indianapolis (lmaoooo) they had the skyway shut down and sent a helicopter to scan the highways. All these 3,000 protesters were also coming in around 10pm lmaoooo

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We can spend all day nitting about “turning points”, but the Kent State shootings legit shocked a nation, right? When the cops shot some well-to-do white people, the nation noticed. There were pop music songs about it. There are no pop music anthems about the Jewish freedom riders who were buried in a ditch. Or the black people who were savagely beaten. But when the cops shoot young white people, the entire nation takes notice.

I still say the cops are overplaying their hands in an unprecedented way. They’re harassing D- list celebs, who the fuck is supposed to be on their side now?



good supercut of all the shit that cops did

i did not see the horse trample the girl from the back before this one, holy shit


The country needs to see this. I think the video might be worse than the still. I heard she made it, is that true?

there’s no reports of any deaths, so I’m assuming she’s alive, but who knows what they’ll cover up

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Dunno. I guess it could be looked up. But, Kent State happened in May 1970 and in November 1972 Nixon got 520 delegates and carried 49 states.

You can sure it but don’t if it exposes a protestor to criminal prosecution. Even if you think they’re in the wrong.

Figuring out a way to put out misinformation like this is important. It doesn’t make any sense but the cops on the radio are terrified of it.

I did hear one Chicago cop say “authorize deadly force” and that made me shiver.

If you mean Neil Young’s song Ohio, well, he also had Southern Man and Alabama. And Bob Dylan had Only a Pawn in Their Game.

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In a Gallup poll conducted immediately after the shooting, 58% of Americans blamed the students and 11% blamed the national guard. I think that people looking back have mythologized the incident and assume that what they see in the old pictures means that people back then were equally horrified, as if CSNY were representative of people back then.


This. No one remembers the Hard Hat Riots. People can’t imagine the war was popular and people loved the cops and hated the protesters and so they invent that McGovern was a crazy socialist to explain why Nixon won 49 states.


A more cheerful video:
