Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Damn that’s good. Wish I could follow you on twitter

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Yes when a swat team can murder for a call out its time to do what Micro asks, as I can’t say that being from the UK.


People be out cleaning the streets again… True Hero’s of the Riots

With all due respect, I’m not sure it would be a good idea for cops to only patrol within a few blocks of their own homes. Probably wouldn’t do so much for neighborhood harmony.

I served on a jury once in a case where a guy had driven home drunk. He stopped in the street to ask his neighbor something. But the neighbor was an off duty highway patrol trooper. She noticed his impairment and called the cops. Long story short. He got busted for DUI (again). We convicted him cause the evidence didn’t work in his favor, but I was kinda shocked that his neighbor would rat him out like that when he was literally a few feet from his driveway. Wonder how they got along after that.

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That’s real. Did The Onion get out of the satire business?

The elites don’t see the people as the economy; the elites see the stock market as the economy. To the extent that protesters are going to destroy things, they should be looting and setting on fire things that belong to corporations in an attempt to make the stock market tank, hurting what elites really care about. The whole “work from home due to coronavirus” thing hurts because there are fewer targets.

Police protect property because our corporate value system directs them to care more about property than human lives and happiness. As long as they make that part of their mission, the people’s goal should be to make them fail.

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Tired: Posting a real article for “Real or Onion?”
Wired: Posting a satirical article for “Real or Onion?”
Inspired: Posting a real article published by the Onion for “Real or Onion?”


Could be, she wasn’t at the protest as far as I know, she was doing some behind the scenes work to convince organizers to protect local and minority owned businesses from white supremacists intent on burning them down.

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There are a bunch of cops in that story. Nothing is perfect. And why shouldn’t the people in that neighborhood want to stop one of their neighbors from driving drunk there?

Kamala Harris was at the WH protests yesterday during the day.

I just think it puts the cop in a difficult position when he has to bust his neighbors. And they may seek retribution since they know where he lives.

That’s the kind of thing that keeps people from abusing authority. Their actions only work if they are supported by most of the neighborhood, or in the case of today’s cops, they have an immense potential for violence.


We had specific police build houses after the War in our area, right beside our newly built temporary Primary School that was build to last 10 years and still stood 80 years later :blush: While the police/Cops moved on to finer houses.

Nah, it’s worse. Just look at how wealth disparity has widened since the 90s. What’s changed is the Democratic party figured out that playing identity politics will quell the neo libs without actually doing jack shit. They’ll pay lip service and pretend to be aghast and make statements about how wrong it is that black people are so easily killed within our system, but do nothing about it. Just like they’ll do nothing about the thousands who die each year because they can’t afford proper medical care and the prescriptions needed to live. Or how they don’t care about billionaire shareholders and corporations receiving bailouts at the expense of ordinary taxpayers who in return get no break from the banks. Or how they don’t care that we are perpetually engaged in senseless wars that kill thousands of innocents in other countries for profit. I’m not stoking the all lives matter flame, but these things are all related in my mind and maybe it’s time for these protests to grow in numbers and expand to encompass the entire corrupt shit show. It’s gonna take a major uprising and as long as we’re at it with this…


Could not agree more. If you think this guy is going to fix anything, you’re just plain stupid:

I’m pretty sure there’s an episode where Barney chokes a black teen to death.

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Is exactly why it would be a good idea. IMO they shouldn’t be patrolling at all anywhere. Nobody patrols my neighborhood, we get by just fine.


So much this ^. Good cops don’t let bad cops get away with tyranny. The other (4?) on the scene are culpable and should’ve been immediately arrested as well. How hard would it have been to for any of them to even gently intervene and say, “dude that’s enough. Take your knee off his neck”. Instead, they stand there and watch and the guy pleads for his life

First hand account from Indy.