Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)


Going to a protest at Hoover city hall here in a few mins since i I haven’t been able to get to one yet between work and being out of town, just down the road from where this incident occurred. Expect it to be peaceful.



Not very important but it should be 20/hr now.

(It should be higher technically but let’s go with 20)

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I watched video and am triggered. Ex is generally apolitical but exceptionally bright. If I stick to facts she will acknowledge them and I’ve been able to change her opinion on other topics.

Anyway, summary of video follows:

  • First 9 min: George Floyd was no angel.
  • Second 9 min: Racially motivated police brutality is a myth.

Second half spiced with claims like black men, 6% of population, commit half of murders and white police much more likely to be killed by black men than other way around.

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We hate our exes in the USA. You Canadiens are too nice.

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You come up with this? Very nice.


Candace Owens gets paid millions of dollars to be the person my mom points at when I bring up any issue of race in this country.

“Maybe you should listen to what actual black conservatives are saying in this country”

Diamond and Silk also filled this gap for a while

Would love to see a Denzel or Lebron level celebrity push through the fencing into Lafayette Park. Heck why not MJ (but not OJ).

Then invite a few thousand friends in with them.

I’d love to see the po-po deal with that.

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Comments in that thread jeez - 20mins of disorder and it’s bring in the water cannon, tear gas and army - fucking fascists

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I believe Denzel recently was caught on camera helping to defuse a situation outside where it was cops v. a mentally disturbed person


not seeing much wrong with that.

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Not Canadian but don’t hate my exes. Anybody I ever cared about I still care about. I don’t talk to all of them but I’ll respond if they contact me.

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I just made arrangements yesterday with my first college girlfriend (who is happily married x30 years) to drive me to and from cataract surgery at the end of this month.


I guess I needed to use the sarcasm font.

Still loves Mattis and everything that he’s about and that Trump only just needs to keep his mouth shut and stay off Twitter. Failed to recognize that Mattis was critizing Trump for his policies, not just his language. The mental gymnastics was too much for me to handle.

Also, didn’t you check your 401k today? It’s only down a tiny bit from earlier this year. And also don’t you know that not even close to 1% of cops are bad at their job. “My only concern when I vote is for my money”.

This 40% of America.


For people looking for sign ideas


I watched this thanks. I learned a few things. I don’t think it makes a compelling argument for literally not having police. It does make a good case for dramatically reducing their power and scope of inquiry and replacing it with metal health and social work professionals.

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It also feels like the hottest day of the year here if that matters.



All races and sex strongly representing today. Unbelievable movement.