Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

There were so many I actually had to start writing them down - on paper with a pencil - here’s a few more (may be a repeat in there?)

2 guys in a car - tazered for no apparent reason
People on their porch in the burbs - paintballed by roving Police/Guard after being shouted at.
Young Girl wearing mask standing peacefully - police pulls mask down and peppersprays her in the face
Police slash types of all cars in a parking lot. (just weird)
The guy on the police car bonnet in NYC - big baton fuelled pile on. I posted this one a couple of times and while I don’t know how the guy is he was lucky not to be severe injured on first contact - they just took his feet away so could easily have gone head first into the ground from a height.

… and John Cusack ffs.

“But who will agree to become a cop if it means potentially being subject to a baseline amount of accountability?”


The Santa Monica images are pretty nuts. That’s a super rich area. Not sure if coordinated but I think its generally a good strategy for protesters to migrate outside inner cities.

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Great response boys


Some people track the Karen meme to Dane Cook’s comedy.

Real life game of fortnite going on in Santa Monica right now

mostly being a threat to the community that post kill lists for Atomwaffen but lately he’s been posting mugshots and selective footage claiming its all antifa

Who could have guessed that Epic was actually training Zoomers in demonstration tactics? That’s some Ender’s Game shit.


Worked! Thank you!

FBI douchenozzle on CNN got me to reach for the mute button.

Thanks. It turns out that it was a Twitter cookie that needed deleting. @Twist figured it out.

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Mines too :ok_hand:

I guess it’s pretty easy nowadays to find out who’s the bad guys by asking people there take on Antifa.

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I posted this earlier. This weeks on the media has a segment all about the origin of Karen.

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Flashbangs deployed in DC. Fighting between cops and protestors

I didn’t get any updates on that tweet from 2 days ago with the Cops slamming that dude in NYC, unfortunately.

Let me try that again. Anyway yeah I have a black friend who is upset about this and I just wondered what you all think. It troubles me I’ll say. Like I basically think looting and vandalism are an understandable and predictable consequence but as a white guy I don’t know what right I have to even attempt to defend this to a black person whose perspective is that black people are going to take the blame for the actions of white activists (assuming they are genuine lefty types) Black Protester Confronts White Women Tagging Starbucks with 'BLM'

same dude that tweeted that a couple tags on a new york church was DEFACING ONE OF THE HOLY PLACES or some bullshit

For what it’s worth, the take I have settled on with regard to looting/rioting is this: anyone, including me, who benefits from this corrupt and unjust system carries some risk that our shit is going to get grabbed or smashed and our safety endangered. Even the best of us, imo, are to some extent complicit. Very, very, few of us are actually “innocent”. Some are more or less innocent than others, obviously. But what we are seeing is the inevitable result of inequity in our society, and just about all of us own a little piece. Payback is a bitch.


I agree. And right before he came to a stop he turned to the left to avoid the person (at least I think it was a person) who had fallen in the street.