Poker News and Live Streams - Ivey wins 11th Bracelet

I thought the point of a solver is that you don’t know the opponent’s hand

true, they don’t know his hand either. i don’t think anyone suspects them of cheating in the sense of coughing out ranges and frequencies.

Seems pretty generous to give them the benefit of the doubt. Their response was the nut low of pr.

If Griff takes legal action I will be rooting for him.

This is why is so stupid. It’s a ruling that is literally impossible to enforce. How on earth would they enforce 10,000 people to not use an app while not in a hand when they can get up and walk around freely.

Plain stupid rule.

In this case it’s quite easy to enforce.

there are a lot of problems that already happening with solvers online and will become more of an issue in live poker as time goes by and solvers are easier to run. GTOWizard was an actual sponsor in the wsop live streams if i remember correctly.

actually having the owner of a solver program stand 2 feet away from the biggest final table in the world running them and showing them to his horse while also advertizing his brand is just accelerating the process and optics way too fast and unnecessarily.

def not the “single dumbest controversy”, but an actual concern that at least this time should have been easily handled.


Don’t disagree it’s an issue just disagree there is any possible solution.

Even if you said no phones that would still not stop it as all you have to do is get up and chat with your buddy in the rail.

That’s why it’s so dumb.

making it harder and less effective to do (talking to a buddy instead of looking at a sim output on a full screen laptop ran by the owner of the software) is still a positive thing.

and again, adding that to the optics of it happening on the WSOP FT is a big deal, at least in a world where anything poker related is a big deal.

I don’t disagree with the sentiment but I don’t see how you make a rule that is unenforceable. Is it ok if his buddy uses an app only. How about just makes a phone call to a friend at home with it running on a computer. Or he just asks a friend who walks 59 feet to a buddy with a laptop at a nearby table.

You can either ban phones on the rail, which I guess could be extreme.

Or ban talking to the rail, other than during breaks. Final table is pretty much only time people are constantly going to a rail, so no real harm in just making people stay at the table like they do in 99% of a tournament.

Just ban laptops. It’s really bad optics. Players can still relay solvers in on phones and have to explain it to the player rather than point to a screen. Nobody cares about that.

The solvers are only half of it. Taking advice from a team of poker pros between every hand is dumb as shit. Sit down and fucking play cards Jesus Christ.


It could have also died down a bit if Dom and Tamayo didn’t take the fuck you all approach on social media.

I get the business decision though. If Dom said ‘i was just doing my best to help a friend its not like a solver moves the needle much during a hu match’ it won’t fare well with his business endeavour of selling a solver subscription.

Now he gets to sell “the solver that won the main event” for just 990 american dollars a year.

The nut low situation for the WSOP FT.


People go to the rail and talk to each other and friends in every poker tournament ever played from the $40 daily to the $1,000,000 one drop. As I said before, banning phones at the table (which will never happen) doesn’t even solve this problem.

I dunno, im just a small stakes donk, but that really rubs me the wrong way. If I’m Griff and my opponent is consulting his team AND a solver after every hand, I’m aggressively and loudly berating that nerd, his team, and anyone on his rail non stop.


I’m brandishing

It sounds like there is already a rule that you can’t use solvers in the tournament or poker area, they just didn’t bother to enforce it.

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haven’t watched yet.

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I think we should take his bracelet and 9 of his 10 million

He should buy everyone itt into the Main next year. That seems fair.