Dwan vs Gal - go Tom
Dwan vs Julie - go Julie
Dwan vs Gal - go Tom
Dwan vs Julie - go Julie
Krish talking. Maybe he just doesn’t know what he’s doing? Or maybe he’s just good? Kinda funny that those are the two options.
This is the best lineup they’ve put together.
you would have to pay me a buy-in in this game to get me to wear a luda or gal white v-neck in public
Gal crush Tom plz one time
Also does anybody know what the ginger who assaults nba players does for a living?
If Jeff Bezos gave me $50k to sit with no stings attached, I’d lose it but have fun.
Btw who’s this dude between Gal and NBA-assaulter?
I literally forgot Julie was there
dylan makes his money exploiting women. i guarantee it.
the title was hedge fund manager. he plays on LATB highstakes games but i don’t remember much about him
if you’re physically swatting nba players you definitely don’t have time for a little blonde telling you to brush your teeth before you kiss her
We are no longer the same, though it was a pleasure while it lasted.
i don’t get it
holy shit
holy shit poker players are so weird
is there a bot that can start my posts with holy shit?
AOC getting drinks
I’m a Julie fan