Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

Bart Hanson has talked about his own experience with the cards being misread, so quite possible the card reader is wrong.

I was watching while at a table so had no sound. Does this thomas character speak?

Wow. Keating just stacked Texas Mike.

Keating winning all the money for once.

Who is this guy?

That’s Barron Trump

Steve almost up a million :smile:

he could have been up 3m easily he botched two amazing setups (66 vs QQ and KK vs QQ vs QQ)

How many of these names do you recognize?

Adam Hendrix
Andrew Moreno
Arthur Morris
Ben Ludlow
Brian Battistone
Brock Wilson
Cherish Andrews
Chris Conrad
Christian Harder
Christina Gollins
Daniel Sepiol
Elvis Toomas
Eric Koch
Ethan Yau
Jeffrey Tanouye
Jeremy Becker
Jesse Sylvia
John Riordan
Justin Zaki
Marko Grujic
Martin Zamani
Matt Glantz
Matthew Wantman
Michael Berk
Michael Rossito
Mike Holtz
Nenad Dukic
Preston McEwen
Shannon Shorr
Terrance Reid
Victoria Livschitz

your standard 2.2m flip run it once

good day overall for Texas Mike

Arthur Morris-Cigarette making asshole
Brock Wilson-Mix between Venom and Deadpool
Cherish Andrews-Julie Andrews is a treasure
Christian Harder-Please no
Christina Gollins-Christian go away
Elvis Toomas-Yes too much of Elvis is a thing
Eric Koch-Fuck all Kochs
Jeremy Becker-heh
Jesse Sylvia

John Riordan-Related to the Cranberries?
Marko Grujic-Expected 9th pick in the upcoming NBA Draft. A 6’9 wing.
Nenad Dukic-Expected 6th pick in the upcoming NBA Draft. A 6’9 wing


RIP Texas Mike’s heart

Oof Mike

It’s the 2200 bb more than the dollar amount that makes it so lol

Weird lineup. Apparently Dwan was promised to play, but then kicked. Probably some behind the scenes politics and one or more of the whales didn’t want him. I think it would be far more interesting to see at least one pro trying to navigate Keating and the whales. Now it’s just a bunch of goofs and sometimes those tables aren’t very interesting to watch, but I guess if Keating goes nuts again there’s always entertainment value.

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I was thinking, “Man, Brandon Stevens has gotten old, but still looks good.”

I just realized that I was confusing him with:

post deleted

With respect to how the game died after Peter left, I thought they should have a rule that anybody who’s willing to jump-in as an alternate can buy in for half a mil.

Yup lineups with only whales isn’t fun to watch. Who cares if some whale loses a big pot against another whale. Need someone who will actually feel the pain of losing.