Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

i appreciate doug’s good nature at the table, but at some point it gets really annoying to hear his voice constantly

also i honestly dont know what needs to happen for this steve fellow to win.

lol ActionDan found a way. Might be the worst played hand of the event so far.

lol politics talk at the table

This is painful.

I’m sitting one table over from Matusow who’s doing some political talk

I’m pretty sure Steve is a judge. I wonder who appointed him.

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Top and bottom pair is the low end of Peters hands. lol

He always comes across as fake to me but I guess he is always selling something.

lolol peter just leaving up a milly without even racking his chips is a+ move

Dan on suicide watch.

Hey guys it’s me YouTube video persona except it’s real life for hours.

There’s a reason those things are 10 mins long.


lol i’m starting to like this Steve guy

“this is the worst game i’ve ever played at i’m just glad its over”

What mystery guest would be mind-blowing?

I heard the name and it didnt say anything to me. Maybe they have a different mystery guest in mind. The one i heard is a lawyer from DC

Jack Smith???

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3500 people in kickoff $500 wsop event. Down to 44 dnegs is currently chip lead

Either the card reader is wrong or whatever this Thomas guy is just mucked the winner in a 500k pot

Steve loves to bet 1k lol

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