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This isnt what we were talking about. I said if an actual mistake is made fine. The question before Bruce decided to edgelord up the thread was if a player not in the hand should for no reason call out the amount a player in the hand is playing. You think this is fine?

You’ve never seen the guy who is annoyed about having to show his stack and then lifts up his hands for like a second and then goes back to deliberately obscuring it?

I know that’s not what happened here, but there are lots of instances a neighbor pointing out what the stack size approximately is is totally fine, imo.

Sure lots. Again that’s why there is a dealer who is running the game. It’s their job to call out the amount. Not another players not in the hand.

I can’t believe this is a debate we are having. It’s so obviously wrong for players to be calling out other players chip amounts it’s not close. What happens when rando player calls the wrong amount and a player makes an action based on the wrong information?

You’re right, by the textbook rules it’s not allowed I presume. All I’m saying is there are plenty of instances where ethically it would feel wrong not to.

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My ultimate point is I can’t think of a situation, absent an already made error in calling out the amount by the dealer (like the hidden chip), where it would be a good thing for the non hand players to interject.

Well maybe it’s different in Canada, but dealers do not count out a players chips unless they’re all in, so all they can do is ask that the stacks are visible and big chips are out in front. But many times they might miss big chips being out of the line of sight for the player asking, especially if it’s a 4 seat asking about a 6 seat, or the 1 and 9 seats.

I never said it was okay to just call out chip amounts. I was disagreeing with this statement.

Not having big chips visible is something that should be okay to point out. I even asked a few floor people who said it was fine.

Just because you’re not in the hand, that doesn’t mean that you’re not allowed to say anything to correct unfairness. I’m going to say something if someone goes south in the middle of a hand or is showing his cards to his neighbor who still has cards before folding.

I play with a few regulars who are anglers and I work very hard to protect the game from them because they do things that leave a bad taste in other players’ mouths if left unchecked and have led some fish to take temporary or permanent breaks from the game.

And the other players and dealers appreciate that. It’s better for the game if there are fewer arguments and floor calls. Yes, I am a tight player, but I’m a very friendly player who keeps the game social and keeps conversation flowing, which is fucking hard for me because I’m an introvert by nature. I’m not some earbud-wearing backpack pro who’s always staring at his phone.

I’ve been dealing with this shit for years. I don’t get mad about getting sucked out in big pots by hands that maybe shouldn’t be in there. I don’t get mad if dealer error costs me a big pot. I don’t get mad at being slowrolled. The main things that upset me are angle shooters and dealer abuse.

I’ve had a few recent incidents that have upset me. If I’m going a bit overboard because I’m taking out my anger on you, then I apologize, but I’m not edge lording, I’m just fucking passionate about this subject.


I don’t think he is edge lording, he is just the Phil Helmuth of 1/2 PLO and UP

Seems to be some controversy over this.

Maybe technically but nah not really. You’re saying in not so many words if you are not in the hand don’t say shit. As others as well as Bruce are saying nah not always.

Moneymaker top 10 chip stack with 62 left in ACR Venom

$1.8M up top

Here is an ama from a 24 year old who said he went from $40 to 1 million.

Did Jeff Gross talk his way out of a double up?

This looks more like a clumsy dealer than someone trying to set the deck.

Went to a super fishy game yesterday where half the hands are dealer choice but they only know holdem-esque games so it’s all weird variations on it. Managed to lose 2k bluffing out of boredom.

Game broke. Went to another super fishy game of PLO. Lost 1k in 30 mins game broke.

Some people stayed to play what they call “mazmaz”. You’re dealt 6 to 9 cards depending on the participants. 2 boards. 100 bucks on each. Hands played as PLO. You get $100 bonus if you win both, $100 bonus from each if you have quads or better.

Won 3k and broke even for the night. Apparently i’m a pro flipper and a losing poker player.

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It looks like a dealer pretending to merge two halves of the deck then pulling them out to keep them separate.


Except it looks like he is shuffling the cards properly…unless I’m not following it closely.

The riffle before the cut, he does a maneuver that sort of slides one half of the deck through the other one so that he ends up with the same two halves as before the riffle.

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It took me a few watches to see it, but the dealer never combines the two halves of the deck after riffling.