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The correct procedure would be to call the floor. The dealer can then explain what happened to the floor (and s1), the floor should tell s1 to take his bet back and action is on s10. Then, if s10 does anything but raise, the floor should tell s1 that his bet stands.

I’m right now sitting 15’ from Hellmuth and Ted Cruz, just outside the glass from Bobby’s Room.

Thankfully there is a barrier.


An attempt, or did he complete what would have been a legal raise either verbally or with chips? If just an attempt, like was stacking raising chips but never made the bet, then no. If the raise was made then quickly removed, see below.

Maybe it’s room dependent, but I don’t ever call the floor in this spot. I say “action is here (seat 10), you have all of your options. The out of turn raise will stand if action is unchanged, otherwise seat 1 will have all their options”.

Have never had an issue handling it this way. If seat 10 doesn’t know what “unchanged” means they are free to ask, and I will explain more precisely. But this gets the ruling across without influencing action imo.

I was playing at MGM Grand yesterday, which is structured like a small poker club with some unusual rules.

I’m in the 2 seat, and I asked the player in the 6 seat to please lift his arms so I can see his stack. His chips were sloppily stacked, and I’m straining through my glasses to see.

The player in the 4 seat said, “He’s got about $500.”. Apparently as the hand ended, the dealer admonished seat 4, who became sheepish and apologized. The dealer told me that even though it’s public information no one can comment on another’s stack size. If so, does that mean I need to get up and walk over to seat 6 to actually view his stack up close?

A player should never do this if not in the hand. What if they miscount. Golden rule is if you are not in the hand there is no reason to say anything.

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I think it’s okay to point out if a player has some big chips hidden from view.

It’s absolutely not. That’s why there is a dealer. Unless there is an obvious mistake being made people not in the hand should always stfu.

The people trying to “help” the dealer all the time are 99% making it worse.

Cruz is playing?

I assume he’s getting crushed.

It’s absolutely ok to point out hidden big chips to protect the game from angle-shooting.

That’s why there is a dealer. Table captains are the nut low. I’d be asking for a warning if you were constantly trying to run the game out of hands. I’ve done this a few times.

How can a dealer point out hidden chips that they can’t see? I’m not trying to run the game, but players should help police the game to prevent angle-shooting. Why are you so pros-scummy?

Bad rules and pointless obsession over angle shooting has to be like 100,000:1 over actual angles shot. In 20+ years of live play I can’ count with my fingers the number of actual angle shots I have ever seen.

It’s basic fairness to put your big chips where other players can see them and dealers tend to say “thank you” when I point it out. Are you an Alec Torelli superfan or are you weirdly defensive about this because you rely on smoke-and-mirrors angle-shooting to win at poker (since we know you’re not using a solid foundation of poker theory)?

If only I hadnt said in my first post it’s ok to speak up if there is an actual error your sad edgelording would be more interesting.

A massive nit who wants to be table captain. You must be so fun at the table.


This season of high stakes is pretty good so far. I’m about half way through. Robl sun running and Airball somehow finding hundreds of thousands to lose in every session.

Dude must have a personal money printing machine somehow. So odd nobody still knows where his endless money supply come from.

Laak is back nitting it up.

Man, maybe you guys haven’t played with many drunk or novice players who can’t stack their chips for shit, but I’ve seen it tons of times where a neighboring player helps give a rough count of the stack. And if someone has big chips out of the line of sight of a player asking, I’d have absolutely no problem saying something. 95% of the time it’s not someone trying to angle, they’re just rec players doing rec player things. But it should still be pointed out.

yeah BruceZ is right, even if its not done intentionally having big chips in the back is still an accidental angle and not fair for the players who can’t see them.

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