Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

Claiming integrity is both a larp and less profitable is quite a take for a guy trying to defend himself.

He also posted there that Dwan paid him 100k two days ago. At least he’s making progress.

From today’s 50k in Triton Korea.

Dwan did vertucci pod - sounds like it was a hot mess in terms of Dwan not being clear and Vertucci is just an idiot so can’t comprehend basic ideas.

But gist seems that the debt Dwan owes is a bit move complicated. For Harlabob, he vouched for someone that rugged Bob for $350k, but unclear whether it was a true vouch. Reading between the lines, I’d guess that Bob wanted another betting mule, and Dwan introduced him to a guy that he “vouched” for.

For Jetten, Dwan was staking Jetten and Jetten was $1.6 million in make-up. There was a separate incident where Jetten fronted someone $400k for Dwan, and Dwan decided to not pay the $400k due to the make-up. Probably not right to comingle the two debts, but I’m guessing that the staking terms weren’t really clear.

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I didnt listen to it but im still under the impression that dwan isnt broke but an asshole

Do you think Dwan is liquid?

I dont think hes broke but I dont think he has much cash available either.

How much crypto do you think he has?

It’s all guessing of course but the fact that Jetten was deep in makeup to Dwan means he was liquid then in some form. And the broke rumors were strong in 2020 too.

Both stories seems inline with how i imagine dwan operates. He is clearly responsible for the debts, but they occured as a mixture of his careless behavior and in spots he feels he’s entitled for better.

Jetten wrote that he won 5mm playing poker during the time he ran up the markup with dwan. I can see how in his entitled mind that is a good enough reason to stall payment

This is such a weird flex. Why do you want to promote 20 minutes of nik airball sitting while nothing happens?

Was that even a hard fold for a good player? … it was kind of interesting tho. Doug comes down from the booth and says the live stream delay is going to catch up w the hand and gives a countdown to declare Nic’s hand dead. He folds with 1 second left. … at some point it seems a legit tough decision just got looped in his head and then it seemed like he just milked it…

Hes at best chopping and very probably losing. I think i could make that fold. I think.

Given Teslas’s small raise on the turn, he probably doesn’t have many bluffs here either. Basically if you call it’s only based on a read that Tesla is getting way out of line. Plus, you have to hope Stache doesn’t have a better straight (although he probably re-raises that on the turn).

Im probably a noob but I think the hand is a trivial fold given the action on the river for NA.

That small turn raise followed by a river nuke when the obvious draw comes in (one card to a straight) is always “it”. Its pretty unlikely that Tesla is going to try and bluff them both off 8x with one having hearts and the other spades.

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Not actually interesting but first time seeing this

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lol bad beat yourself to scoop.

Never seen that before. lol.

Ruling issue i just had.

Hand goes raise, reraise. Seat 10 about to call. Seat 1 doesnt see him and tries to 4b. People tell him and he quickly takes back his bet.

Seat 10 cant see any of it just hears that seat 1 tried to play out of turn.

Should the dealer tell him that there was a raise attempt? Seat 10 thought seat 1 just called out of turn. He ended up calling a folding. Seems unfair to him cause everyone else at the table coudl visually see it

Absolutely. Seat one’s raise was binding and should have been committed before seat 10 had his action. He should not have been allowed to take it back. Terrible ruling.

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Poker is a game of continuous observation. It’s on the player to be aware of what’s going on. Seat 10 could have asked instead of assuming it was a call. Because that seat sucks, I might cut Seat 10 a break and let him take his bet back the first time with a warning that it stays if it happens again, but maybe not an experienced (and winning) player who should know better.