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ICM is 35 years old? I thought it was invented on the STTF forum by Aleo Mageus, Eastbay and maybe some other dudes I’m forgetting? Or maybe they just figured out how to build a tool around it.

regarding top heavy, main used to be worse than this. Moneymaker was 30ish% to winner. We all agree it shouldn’t be just fudging things ie the 12.1 just to beat the 12. but how do we make this as a gambling event as it should be but also make sense is a real question that obviously will be different for agreeing on. The way old days the consensus was that tournaments should be winner take all. We’re all nits. 12 to 4 from 1 to 3 is such a gap that just doesn’t feel necessary for the main event.

I would be ok with a large gap in the final 4 if the final 4 were players I was interested in, not ~randos, but if it’s going to be randos every time then yeah maybe a more reasonable gap to facilitate somewhat more active play would make sense

I believe ICM was a concept borrowed from horse betting that was first applied to poker by Mason Malmuth.

I don’t hate the idea of playing too tight early on and seeing how everyone else is playing.

If it’s me I’m probably nitting it the fuck up until 6th (1.8 milly) or maybe 5th (2.4 milly). With those amounts, I can comfortably retire and do whatever I want the rest of my life. The gap between 2.4 to 12 million I don’t think would change a whole lot so I’m prioritizing just laddering up a couple spots over anything else.

Yeah I’d be the exact same. If you don’t have kids to leave it to, what can you do with say $6M after taxes that you can’t do with $1.2M after taxes? Retire in luxury and hang out with the insufferable Rich Kids of Instagram?

I would also do everything I could to chop.

knowing they’ve all made life changing money and likely have already facilitated a chop makes this very anticlimactic. the first few days of the main are much better from an entertainment perspective

At what point do people usually chop the main? I assume WSOP has a rule you have to leave something to play for.

i think final 3 is pretty common spot to chop, they are definitely playing for something (>1M) but its pretty obvious by how fast and loose they are playing that they arent playing for anywhere near $6M.

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This is why I always like 27 down to 9 in the ME as the best poker of the year ear. A nice payday vs. a shot at life changing money, and too soon for chops.

WSOP officially doesn’t allow any chops.

Unless they changed the rule very recently, the WSOP does not officially allow chops. Chops definitely still happen (especially if players either know each other of have mutual contacts that can help work out some of the tax/payment issues), but officials won’t facilitate it.

In order to chop you have to trust that the 1st place winner will pay you. No thanks.

yeah 27 to 9 is great TV because the difference between 250-300k and a million is life changing for the majority of people. the winner’s bracelet also doesnt seem nearly as significant as it used to, i could list off 3-4 ME winners from the 90s, another 4-5 from the 2000s, from the last 10 years i dont think i could tell you a single ME winner.

That’s generally how I feel, but presumably for Main Event money you would draw up a contract.

Also that


1000% a chop was done. They are barely sweating this huge all in pot.

You mean Walton might not normally look happy as a clam about losing $6M EV?

Absolutely, that is a certifiable, institutional insane hand otherwise