Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

walton seemed to play instantly and somewhat of a psycho at all times. just impossible to chop without signing some legal documents independently. maybe they have but i never heard of a main event chop in modern times (although it’s possible it has happened of course).

edit - fwiw if any main event final 3 would make a deal it is those 3. Weinman has an insane rail that can easily set it up, Walton is a local cash reg and jones is from Arizona. seems like they are a bunch who can get the legal work in place.

Mercier really went full Lex Luthor.

lol I would not have been able to recognize him from that shot

WSOP announced a winter wsop at Bahamas this december. Main event 5k with 15mm gntd. Oddly enough it overlaps with the Wynn series that last year had a 4.1mm main event winner. Bold move

It seems he got a talking to as after using it at least once every 10 minutes that night, I don’t think he ever used it again. It was easily one of the dumbest terms ever, and probably annoyed a good chunk of the PokerGo subscribers that are addicted to solvers (plus I’m guessing PokerGo probably doesn’t want to piss off the solvers that advertise with them).

Also, all 3 being American makes any possible negotiations involving tax issue much easier than if you were dealing with people coming from outside the US that had different tax treaties and rules about gambling income.

weinman has played golf with trump huh

hahaha trump cheats as golf SO FUNNY

If you’re young a ton? Massive difference between 6 and 1.2 for anyone under 40 or 50

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at least that was fast

also when you go allin HU in the main event don’t tip off you don’t have the strongest of hands while your opponent is thinking about it

is there any crew luckier than the deeb/arieh/glantz now weinman? they must be sacrificing young kids.

I am assuming Suzzer is not using those numbers as net worth figures, but rather starting from a point where there’s things like already owning a home or at least having fixed mortgage payments that were set in a different era. Plus significant retirement portfolio

hellmuth by himself?

Hellmuth and 3 cancer patients


not proof but fwiw -


There was no deal. Some very brief talk. But nothing came of it.

Did anyone at the ft have 75%+of themselves?

Why wouldn’t we assume all?

Tons of people selling pieces, selling packages, getting backed, swapping action etc

well deeb said “we” got it all, bit of a tell weinman probably didn’t have 75% of himself

should be 100% or you’re DQ’d from the tournament but it’s unenforceable

It’s not that hard to see people ending up at tables they have some piece of someone else in these things and that’s just not fair obviously even if it’s small.