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weinman dude, that’s the tilt 3b to get your chips back move that lots of people do and you just folded

have been very unimpressed with his play that’s for sure

but he can just cruise and be final four really so what do I know

Don’t do it.

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King ball one time.

I need someone smart at poker to explain the Jones shove vs. call on the turn with TP2K.

scared of opponent hitting overcard and shoving on him and he loses

that’s all I got cause I got nothing else

just watched last night ft and i can’t figure out if clovis is trolling by just saying ‘nit’ at everything.

this is probably the least tight wsop final table i’ve seen in a long time.

edit - 5 handed it just became pure spewy.

I was talking about 9 handed

The game wasnt half as tight as it should have been with icm implications. Your comments about tournament poker makes me think i should re-examine phil

lol my comment was really about the one guy who played close to 0vpip

Thanks for the unnecessary insult though.

I didnt see a single bad fold by Hutchinson. Do you remember some that would be worthy of the worst nit of all time award?


Hutchison was pretty much card dead on the final table.

Don’t remember too many glaring mistakes.

Maceiras 3b with 35hh with multiple ss remaining may have been the worst.

he folded pocket eights in an unraised pot like a very early hand and didn’t play a single hand for hours

Who do you think will win

  • Jones
  • Weinman
  • Walton

0 voters

If the tourney is really top-heavy, ICM actually tends to reward riskiness more than you’d think. Also ICM doesn’t take into account how much easier it is to chip up when you have a big stack.

I get it but I’ve noticed nits use ICM as an excuse to ladder up one spot rather than actually trying to win 12 million dollars. Yes, there was a weird dynamic where people were too short and played against each other but then pyrdyk correctly swung for the fences after that. Jachtmann imploded a little bit but I got it, they were told they’d stop at 4 and didn’t and it just messed with him but short handed you gotta swing for it he just struck out. Difference between third and first is eight million, anything that doesn’t say go for it first in a bright neon sign in that sort of spot is garbage.

You dont “play hands” to play hands. You need to find a fold that was wrong. We see hands.

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I just told you he open folded eights preflop to nothing in one of the early hands

it’s about ten minutes in yesterday