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Some bubble lolz. First blatant colluding

Then folding aces

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$15k is a lot for some they may have sat’d in for not much, etc. not gonna get mad about that he also doesn’t have enough where a double helps him much in tourn ev terms

wtf at letting the no bb guy live tho


Harish Aintgonnacallonthebubble


Pretty good table for Nitsche to punish to bubble especially without Moneymaker there. And as I type that looks like Moneymaker is there now.

Going to see a lot good ol’ stalling from small stacks.

so in 20 years Moneymaker hasnt doubled his 2.5 mil wsop win in live earnings.

Why waste 20 years doubling it when he can just 6x it in ~2 weeks now? :sunglasses:

He lived the good life freeroling off pokerstars for most of those years. mbn.

From a friend:

Lol 3 people busted bubble same hand. So they split 2 min cashes 3 way - 10k each. Now they are dealing them a flip for one guy to get the free entry to next year main. So one of them will win 20k which is min cash + 2 payjumps


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Supposedly that line was improvised.

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Who is the other guy commentating with Ali?

I flopped a boat with 22 on a 277 flop and the guy to my immediate right had 77 on Saturday. Got stacked.

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The opening scene of American Graffiti where the guy crashes the Vespa was a blooper that got left in. Another one is Leo glancing over his shoulder when Matthew M. is beating on his chest at the restaurant in Wolf of Wall Street.

Rigby playstyle not nearly as effective after the bubble has burst

Nate Silver made the money.

Also, i have one horse left in the main. Lucky for me it’s the one from our 10-person ladies’ home game and she already made one pay jump, so the split should be decent!


That was Jonah Hill, not Rigby.

Alex Botez launching a new poker channel:

a guy that got a walk with almost no big blinds on the bubble

turns out he just wanted it more

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