Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

That makes the collusion worse.

wtf - how can they allow that and not take action against the player and the table.

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Botez busto. :(


Oof, my friend took a hit and is down to 100k. She has no fold equity, either, judging from this pic she took:

A friend of mine just got gifted this


I bet they will put a rule in next year for this exact situation.

I kind of respect the angle but I’m calling.

I thought poker was dead

In other news, my friend found a double and is up to 155k. Needs another.


Moneymaker seems like such a genuinely good dude. Impossible not to root for him.



every year there’s one how the hell is this guy still here mr wu

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RIP Darvin Moon, a real one, the OG in that category.

If he could win a 30/70 against Phil Ivey at the final table of the Main Event, then a guy like me absolutely has a chance.

Pokernews have some woman ive never heard of listed as chipleader with 4.6m. Sounds like a typo as no one else is over 3m and they didnt update any of her hands

lol some guy just cold called a 3b with AK for 30% of his stack and folded to a 4b. Main event baby

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Now he has Rigby at his table with almost 4m

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Another stupid fishing hat. This can’t become a thing!

My friend is out in 715th…set of jacks taken down by a flush. She had built it back up to 350k, too. Oh well, I’m not gonna be mad at getting a tiny piece of $27,500. money is money, lol

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never mind chidwick OWNED BY MR WU

oh man the main is glorious what a bluff

maria ho suggesting bet sizes based on the actual hand the opponent has is really top notch analysis

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I’d be surprised if chidwick can’t see Awad’s cards in his sunglasses reflection if he wanted to