Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

He wins that pot if no Broadway card comes in turn.

He’s certainly not trying to Kessler his way into a mincash.

Moneymaker in 40th.

His making final table would be most epic thing for poker I can think of.


Alex Botez would be a lot bigger imo



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Robert Nash raised to 8,500 from middle position and Allen Kessler three-bet to 23,500 from the next seat over. The action folded back to Nash, who jammed all in for 75,000 chips, and Kessler made the call.

Robert Nash: AKo
oh nash if there was anyone to fold instead of jam AK to that in this tournament…

it was kings kings won spoiler alert, kessler might get enough of a heater to min cash

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I’ll assume Kessler still 3b jj and qq, but he’s folding jj I assume to the shove

Botez up to 538k chips.


Brutal fold by Richez vs. durrr

does he not know who that is? like you just shrug call 27k (6.5BB or so) into a 97k pot.

FFS no more durrr. That was a Selbst-ian bust out.

dwan could’ve just called there, since that guy was 100% calling if he rivered it on him but I get it he didn’t want to waste hours with the 100k something left if he missed.

the 3b call was a little gamble but he was getting odds to call flop and turn, he hits, he doubles through him 100%.

amateurs just owning pros even if they’re playing their hand like a 1/3 live noob is the best part of these streams for me.

Too many of the stream name pros are hero calling in spots to them that don’t make sense because the people they play wouldn’t do that but don’t think in terms of “how likely is this guy actually bluffing here”

but then again there’s a guy with 1m or so who appears to be a bet size tells you what his hand is type of guy so what do I know with this game

Do people with nose rings like Cintra just never get boogers? How do they blow their nose? That would drive me nuts.

May have found one of the only interesting bad beat stories


8% to beat AA sounded to me like fake news but after some quick looking up some hands… AT where the T isn’t a suit of the AA and if there’s anything else… you tell me what it is.

ah 5 that isn’t the same suit is also is 8% and J I guess rounds up but hard to believe Ace five… off

JFC Johnny Chan never ages.

I lost with AA to AT for what would have been about $20k in equity at an online MTT final table. Good times.

AA vs AKo if you block one of the 4 flush outs is like 93% to win plus 1.5% to chop, I’ve definitely had to look up those odds before